
November Progress Report

  • 👨‍💻 Shintaro Aoyama

  • 🏫 Gunma International Academy High School, 11th grade (Sophomore)

  • 📕 “Video-Type Note that Manipulates Time”

  • Table of Contents

    • 🕰 About Synchronization Among Students
    • 👆 About the User Interface
    • 📄 Pagination Proposal
    • 🧭 Future Direction

🕰 About Synchronization Among Students

  • Existing form of live streaming

    • image
  • Desired form

    • image
    • Difference from the conventional form: Lines are connected
  • Desired form (with arrows for pseudo-synchronization, complete version)

    • image

🕰 About Synchronization Among Students

  • Implementation approach: Each device (student) autonomously adjusts its speed based on the playback position of other devices

    • A function is needed to determine the playback speed for the next moment based on the playback position of other devices
  • ① Converging towards the average playback position / Stronger weight for distant positions

    • image image
    • Issue: It brings distant people closer to achieve synchronization
  • ② Attracting each other / Stronger weight for closer positions

    • image image
    • Issue: Rapid changes in speed
  • Ideal scenario

    • Graph with a stable change in playback speed
      • = Minimum number and amount of changes
  • If you have any ideas/topics to explore, please let me know 🙏

  • Demo

👆 User Interface

  • Conceptualizing the app:

  • “YouTube with synchronous dialogue” OR "Zoom with time manipulation"

    • I want users to perceive it as the latter
    • It’s easier to think of it as “having control over one’s own timeline” and requires less mental effort
  • UI for manipulating video playback position

    • Seek bar UI like YouTube may not be suitable?
    • Manipulating the relative video playback position
    • Dragging the bottom of the screen to move the playback position
    • Demo (Minimum required implementation)

📄 Pagination Proposal

  • Current implementation: Displaying annotations for ±5 seconds
  • User testing
    • “It’s difficult when the written text disappears immediately” (disappears in 5 seconds)
    • “Introducing the concept of pages seems like a good idea”
  • Pagination proposal
    • Divide the video into pages at intervals of about 10 seconds
      • Annotations within a “page” are shared
    • Show annotations written on the page corresponding to the current playback position

🧭 Future Direction

  • Direction
    • ① Demonstrate the benefits of combining synchronization and pseudo-synchronization in class
    • ② Find a good UI for viewing videos with synchronization and pseudo-synchronization
    • ③ Consider horizontal expansion
  • Final presentation
    • Present actual communication that occurred in class
    • Present a world where “synchronization and pseudo-synchronization are mixed”
      • e.g., yoga, jam sessions
    • If the app can be distributed, use it during the presentation.