• [Preparing for the Hosting of Funding the Commons (FtC) Tokyo in Japan](https://scrapbox.io/tkgshn/Funding the Commons(FtC)Tokyo 日本開催に向けて)

  • A Dense Two-Day Event Paving the Future of Digital Public Goods - Funding the Commons Tokyo 2024|Hal Seki

  • Thinking of going~

    • If you’re a student, you can attend for free by applying for a scholarship (tkgshn)
  • I don’t feel like this is an event that strongly resonates with me, personally.

    • I haven’t been particularly interested or passionate about funding [Public Goods].
  • Well, in the context of something like [202312 Life Consideration: Business vs Research], I do feel it could potentially relate to me in the future.

  • The discussions will likely be interesting, and I might attend for the motivation to broaden my horizons.

    • I’d like to make sure to do appropriate preparation beforehand.