• charge and its unique dimension:

    • A particle has a scalar charge.
  • F=kqq/Δr: Yes, that’s correct.

  • k can be written as .

    • is the permittivity of vacuum.
    • Sorry, I missed the details around this part. (blu3mo)
  • Potential energy:

    • Why is it called “acceptable”?
    • The term does not have a negative sign.
      • Well, that makes sense. When U>0, it represents a repulsive force, which is acceptable.
    • evnm (electron Volt nano meter) is a unit for potential.
      • In this unit, 1.44 evnm represents a potential energy of 1.44 ev when the distance is 1 nm.
    • I’m not sure about the meaning of the units in this part, so I need to confirm. (blu3mo)
  • Adding forces:

    • You can simply add vectors, that’s true.
      • Actually, this can only be done in electromagnetic (EM) forces. Really? (blu3mo)
      • I feel like I’ve heard this before.
    • You can use a sigma notation, similar to a for loop, to add forces.