Summary: Research on 3DoF object manipulation using gaze. Utilizing focal depth, but facing challenges with low accuracy and difficult control. To achieve higher precision, depth and cues are proposed. An application of 3DoF object manipulation includes handling obstructed objects that are impossible with 2DoF gaze interaction.

Interesting Point: The potential of combining gaze and hand gestures for manipulation is highlighted.

Improvement: Detailed evaluation of specific implementations and effectiveness of combining gaze and hand gestures for manipulation is necessary.

Critical Analysis: Lack of discussion on the naturalness of combining gaze and hand gestures for manipulation.

Question: In what situations can the combination of gaze and hand gestures be most effective for manipulation?

Summary: Research on a VR collaborative environment using time portals. Users can view past rooms through time portals and observe past rooms by entering them.

Interesting Point: Applications such as building virtual offices with people from different time periods, and activities like presentations and dance practices are suggested.

Improvement: Specific methodologies on how to merge past and present realities are needed.

Critical Analysis: Discussion on the issue of lack of interaction with people from the past, leading to loneliness for them and making future individuals mere observers is necessary.

Question: What technological challenges can arise when merging past and present realities through time portals?

Summary: Investigation on synchronous remote collaboration systems for augmented reality, virtual reality, and mixed reality. Exploring specific use cases for VR collaboration.

Interesting Point: Introduction of new forms of collaboration like asynchronous hackathons and time-slot networking events.

Improvement: Novel ideas to address interaction issues in asynchronous communication are required.

Critical Analysis: Lack of discussion on issues like misinterpretation and repetition of ideas in asynchronous communication.

Question: What are some specific ideas to solve interaction issues in asynchronous communication?

Summary: Feeling that changing the structure of time alone is not enough.

Interesting Point: Recognizing the need to consider elements beyond altering the structure of time.

Improvement: Specific perspectives and ideas on what else is needed besides changing the structure of time.

Critical Analysis: Insufficient description of specific problem awareness and solutions.

Question: What are the reasons for feeling that changing the structure of time alone is not enough?

Summary: Learning a lot from the research and paper writing process but not completely satisfied.

Interesting Point: Clearly expressing the learnings from the research and paper writing process along with the dissatisfaction felt.

Improvement: Specific action plans to address the causes of dissatisfaction are necessary.

Critical Analysis: Lack of specific description of the causes of dissatisfaction.

Question: What are the reasons for dissatisfaction, and what actions do you think are necessary to address them?