• I have become accustomed to the last-minute rush by applying Deadline Boost to finish things just in time.
  • As a result of getting used to these intense situations, I find it difficult to feel a sense of urgency and apply the boost.
  • Looking back at what I have done so far, it is clear that things have deteriorated significantly.
    • Untrodden/kineto series
      • March 2020 Untrodden 2020 Application Log
        • Submitted a few minutes before the deadline.
        • I should have been able to write everything I wanted to say.
      • August 2020 Yatsugoume Conference:
        • Worked on the slides until the last minute.
        • Ended up putting about 80% of what I wanted to say on the slides and prepared the manuscript for the presentation.
      • March 2021 Untrodden Final Presentation
        • Worked on the slides until the last minute.
        • There were things that couldn’t be written on the slides, and I had to ad-lib some parts because I couldn’t finish the manuscript.
      • March 2021 IPSJ Poster
        • Submitted with a rough content on the right half just a few minutes before the deadline.
        • Couldn’t create the video I planned to make.
    • TOK Essay
      • 1st attempt: Stayed up late and wrote until the deadline, managed to complete it somehow.
      • 2nd attempt: Stayed up late and wrote until the deadline, but only managed to complete about 70%, and I feel that my sense of urgency has weakened.
      • 3rd attempt: Stayed up late and wrote until the deadline, but only managed to complete about 50%, and I feel that my sense of urgency has weakened.
    • IB series
      • I didn’t apply the deadline boost as much as I thought in the EE, and it’s dangerous.
        • I feel like I have become accustomed to intense situations and have accepted it.
  • The worst part is that I think I have been thinking, “Well, it can’t be helped.”
    • Since I have been able to produce fairly satisfactory results in many cases, I haven’t accumulated failure experiences.
      • (Although the quality has gradually declined, it’s not a sudden change, so I don’t feel that it’s too dangerous.)
    • When I think about it calmly, it’s quite dangerous.
      • But what should I do? #Myself