
  • I think IB is like a training course for researchers.#research
    • If you’re interested in the academic world, it’s perfect for you. Even if you’re not, it seems like it can help develop academic thinking skills.
    • It’s like the entrance to the world called [academia]
  • (axokxi) Today (3/18), I had a discussion at the philosophy cafe, and it was something like this:
    • Instead of training in a specific academic field to be useful in another branch later on (e.g., math -> critical thinking), it’s about vertically expanding (the path to academia).
  • (axokxi) It was N. Sasaki’s idea:
    • IB focuses on six subjects and is for people who want to specialize (not like in Japan where you aim to get good scores in all subjects at the center).
      • People who excel in a few areas on a radar chart / people who can vertically expand towards academiaimage
      • (blu3mo) This reminds me of something.
    • In an ideal IB school, there is a thorough process of carefully selecting the six subjects to specialize in during middle school.
      • MYP is also for that purpose.
    • GKA has many restrictions on subject selection, and they inexplicably teach public school education in the first year, so they can’t do that, he said.
    • (blu3mo) After I left?
      • (axokxi) Yeah.
    • (blu3mo) IB teaches how to specialize, but I don’t feel a strong intention to specialize at the high school level (personally).
      • You have to take Group 1 to 6 properly, and it feels more like liberal arts to me.

I saw the opinion of STEM people saying not to make a fuss about not being able to enter the library for two months, but for a 4000-character document that we submit to the university, we need the library for the backing of just 10 characters… We’re doing it with that level of precision… @asgrijalva April 25, 2021 For humanities students, the library is life. We spend time in the library and research room for just 10 characters. The excitement when we discover a treasure. @n9s6NqaoHcAlFRQ April 25, 2021

  • Even STEM students can relate to this tweet, which I think is a characteristic of IB students.
