• There is an event at school where seniors talk about various things related to school.

  • Until now, I have been on the listening side, but soon I will be on the speaking side.

  • I will jot down some topics to talk about.

  • I will write about things that I wish I had known a few years ago.

  • IB is like a course for training researchers.#research

    • If you are interested in the academic world, it’s perfect for you. Even if you’re not, I think it helps develop academic thinking.
  • I will mention the existence of CAS Project (which I didn’t know about until I entered IB).

  • I will talk about the importance of assessing each teacher’s value and making the most of the ones who are helpful.

  • I will skip the advice about time management because I’m sure you’ve heard it countless times.

  • In IB (including domestic exams), the final evaluation is done by external examiners, not the teachers. So even if there are lenient teachers, it doesn’t mean the tests will be easy.

    • Therefore, the ones to be most cautious of are the kind (lenient) teachers.
    • We also have self-study sessions.
  • TOK (Theory of Knowledge) is often described as “philosophy-like,” but more accurately, it’s like training in metacognition and abstraction.

    • Others: what we know, TOK: how we know
  • When you see the Study Guide, it brings to mind various images. It’s like the IB version of the national curriculum guidelines.