• Game Development Project Management Course by Square Enix

  • The first half (up to slide 170) was extremely valuable (blu3mo)(blu3mo)

    • It felt like gaining the necessary mindset and prerequisites one should know before learning frameworks like PMBOK.
  • The latter half (171 onwards) also contains good information, but it focuses more on game development-specific topics.

Here are some rough notes from (blu3mo) (probably more beneficial to read the slides if you have time):

  • Even with a plan in place, there is a lot of uncertainty leading to deviations in results
    • image
    • (Initial plan compared to 10 times more)
    • Although this is a rough calculation, it gives an idea of how significant errors can be different from intuition.

  • Common approaches include
    • image
  • In other words, accurate predictions for a project are nearly impossible.

  • While predictions may be uncertain, control is possible image image
  • Speeding up the iteration of the PDC is crucial
    • It makes sense when you hear it, but I feel like I rarely achieve it in most cases (blu3mo)
  • Additionally, just iterating may not be sufficient image
  • By learning project management (including Agile), can one handle projects more significant than a doghouse?

Do not escape from investigation, strategy, design, and planning!

  • It seems crucial to conduct thorough preliminary research and then iterate quickly (blu3mo)
  • Rapid iteration should not be an excuse to avoid preparation
    • That’s true (blu3mo)(blu3mo)(blu3mo)
    • It resonates
  • Diligently do the obvious preparations

  • That is the key to mastering uncertainty


  • Investigation

    • Uncover risks and potential issues as much as possible
  • Strategy

    • “Alertness”
    • Development Strategy Matrix
      • The way it’s divided, I thought, “That makes sense.”
      • However, without knowing this framework, it might be challenging to think this way when actually running a project.
  • Design

  • Planning

    • Two-Point Estimation
      • Represented by two numbers, e.g., ○ hours to ○ hours or ○ days to ○ days

      • Two-point estimation is highly effective from a psychological perspective, suitable for maintaining motivation, and very useful during analysis

      • imageimage
        • Having clear definitions is also crucial
      • Parkinson’s Law
        • “Work expands to fill the time available for its completion,” a phenomenon that always seems to happen (blu3mo)(blu3mo)

  • Usually, discrepancies only become apparent when they actually occur, so it’s actually a good thing if discrepancies are found even when no work has been done.

    • It’s important not to overlook discrepancies (blu3mo)(blu3mo)
  • Recommended Books as of 2011

  • “Understanding Project Management through Manga”

      • A manga digest of the PM world standard PMBOK
  • “Agile Samurai”

      • An easy-to-read Agile book
  • “Achieving Overall Optimal Project Management in the Shortest Time”

      • Understanding CCPM
  • “XP Extreme Programming Implementation Plan”- Understand the plan in XP

    • Learn about Scrum
  • “Agile Software Development Scrum”

    • Learn about Scrum
  • “Agile Game Development with Scrum”

    • Practical examples of Scrum in game development
  • “Agile Estimation and Planning”

    • Highly recommended and closely aligned with the way of thinking
    • It is thick and advanced, so it is best to read it last
    • Link to the document image