Summary: The document provides progress updates and a task list for the 42nd week of 2023. The tasks include proposing VR ideas, paper reviews, and inviting people for meals.

Interesting point: By clearly documenting weekly progress and task lists, it becomes possible to manage progress and prioritize tasks effectively.

Improvement suggestion: It would be helpful to specify the priority and deadlines of tasks for more specific schedule management.

Critical analysis: The lack of specificity in task descriptions makes it unclear what each task is aiming for and the scale of each task.

Question: How do you evaluate the progress and completion status of tasks?

Summary: The document discusses the logic behind a bot that reads Scrapbox update pages and past pages. It also mentions the need to attach private.icon when pulling private information.

Interesting point: The idea of using a bot to read Scrapbox update pages and past pages to receive information that one is not aware of in a push format is an intriguing new method of information gathering.

Improvement suggestion: It would be more useful to clarify the criteria and logic that the bot uses to prioritize and select information.

Critical analysis: The lack of clear criteria and logic for the bot’s information selection may not always result in obtaining useful information.

Question: How are the criteria and logic for the bot’s information selection set?

Summary: The document reflects on whether to continue HCI research. It acknowledges the criticism of being confined within one’s own capabilities but expresses an ongoing interest in HCI research.

Interesting point: Having a self-critical perspective of being confined within one’s own capabilities allows for constant reevaluation of research direction and the ability to adopt new perspectives, which is a valuable attitude for a researcher.

Improvement suggestion: Increasing interactions with other research fields can provide new perspectives and ideas.

Critical analysis: While having a self-critical perspective of being confined within one’s own capabilities is important, excessive criticism may lead to losing confidence in one’s own research.

Question: Do you think it is possible to gain new perspectives for HCI research through interactions with other research fields?

Summary: The document discusses the concept of time in Jendrassik’s philosophy, including the linear progression of time and the process model of time’s emergence.

Interesting point: Delving deeper into the concept of time allows for a better understanding and perception of time, which is valuable for time-related research and contemplation.

Improvement suggestion: Comparing Jendrassik’s concept of time with other philosophers’ perspectives can deepen the understanding of the concept of time.

Critical analysis: While contemplating the concept of time is interesting, the practical application of such contemplation in specific research or activities is not clear, making its usefulness uncertain.

Question: How do you plan to apply the contemplation of Jendrassik’s concept of time to specific research or activities?

Summary: The document lists labs and professors of particular interest, including Inami Lab at the University of Tokyo, OIST, and HPI.

Interesting point: Listing labs and professors of interest helps clarify one’s research direction and areas of interest.

Improvement suggestion: Providing detailed descriptions of the research content and characteristics of the listed labs and professors would make the research direction more specific.

Critical analysis: The selection criteria for the listed labs and professors, as well as specific interests in each lab or professor, are not clearly stated, making the background of the selection unclear.Question: What criteria were used to select the listed labs and faculty members? And what specific interests do you have for each lab or faculty member?

extra info

date: 2023-10-14 11:17:37 json size: 8476084 pickle size: 144727661 titles: ~20231015, Writing Logic for Omoikane-blu3mo, Writing an LLM Bot based on Scrapbox, Should I Quit HCI?, Introduction to the Concept of Time in Jendryl Philosophy, List of Labs I’m Interested In num_updated_pages: 6