• We did a survey in the Globe class about “Myself and the world around me”.

  • It wasn’t very interesting while doing it, but when I looked back after a year, it was surprisingly interesting.

  • I didn’t think my way of thinking had changed that much, but when I reflected on the survey, there were unexpected changes.

    • It seems interesting to keep doing it regularly and keep a log of the changes.
  • April 2019 (First Year of High School) a | | April 2019 | September 2020 | | — | — | — | | Interested in current events and culture in the world | 3 | | | Interested in diverse thoughts and values | 2 | | | Interested in academic subjects in general | 3 | | | Interested in Japanese society | 1 | | | Interested in the world (current affairs, culture, society) | 3 | | | Interested in others (including acquaintances and strangers in general) | 2 | | | Interested in myself | 3 | | | Interested in the relationship between myself and others or society | 3 | |