• I didn’t think it through and didn’t research properly.


The GIGA School Concept is a national policy aimed at realizing learning that is fair, individually optimized without leaving anyone behind, and fosters creativity for children living in the Society 5.0 era. It involves establishing “One Device per Person” and high-speed communication networks in schools.

  • “Individual optimization” and “fostering creativity”
    • Kineto seems capable of this.

The future vision for schools and educational settings to aim for:

  • Removing constraints such as time and distance in learning - implementing remote and online education
  • Providing individualized and effective learning and support - objectively and continuously understanding and sharing the situation of each child
  • Fostering creativity through project-based learning - achieving the integration of humanities and sciences and STEAM education through PBL
  • Streamlining school management - making school administration quick, convenient, and efficient
  • Sharing and generating knowledge of learning - promoting the best mix of teachers’ experiential knowledge and scientific perspectives (EBPM)
  • Kineto, the first and second points
