Summary: George Stratton proposed the idea of creating special glasses over a century ago to change how he saw the world. His experiments were conducted in everyday life and were based on ecology. Interesting point: It can be said that Stratton’s idea laid the foundation for modern computer-mediated reality. His approach offers a new perspective of conducting scientific experiments in daily life. Alternative strategy: Exploring the application of Stratton’s approach to modern technology could lead to changing how we perceive the world using technologies like VR and AR. Critical analysis: While innovative, it seems that there is no clear methodology provided on how to generalize individual visual experiences in Stratton’s idea. Question: What new visual experiences might emerge by applying Stratton’s idea to modern technology?

Summary: Computer-mediated reality provides the concept of physical or virtual reality being mediated and altered by computers. Interesting point: This concept blurs the boundaries between reality and virtuality, offering the potential to create new experiences. Alternative strategy: Further developing this concept could involve considering systems that automatically alter reality using AI and machine learning. Critical analysis: However, this concept may raise ethical issues due to the blurring of boundaries between reality and virtuality. Question: What technologies are necessary to achieve computer-mediated reality?

Summary: This page discusses the perception of time and space on media platforms. Interesting point: Media platforms have a significant impact on how we perceive time and space, an important aspect of HCI research worth exploring deeply. Alternative strategy: To delve deeper into this topic, conducting experiments using specific media platforms would be effective. Critical analysis: However, this topic is broad, and detailed research methods and results are not extensively explained. Question: Could you provide specific examples to explain how media platforms influence the perception of time and space?

Summary: This page discusses how to use LLM to expand thinking and suitable interfaces for it. Interesting point: The idea of posing questions to ChatGPT to generate inquiries for oneself offers a new learning method utilizing AI. Alternative strategy: Expanding this idea could involve AI automatically generating questions, allowing users to broaden their thinking by answering them. Critical analysis: However, this idea heavily relies on AI’s ability to generate appropriate questions. It may be challenging for current AI technology to fully address this issue. Question: What technologies are needed to realize a system where AI automatically generates questions?

Summary: This page discusses the bad habit of relying on ChatGPT when one should not. Interesting point: A challenge when using AI is the problem of becoming overly dependent on it, which is an important perspective to consider when thinking about the proper use of AI. Alternative strategy: To address this issue, establishing rules to limit the use of AI could be effective. Critical analysis: However, setting rules to limit the use of AI may also limit its potential. Question: What specific strategies can be employed to avoid becoming overly dependent on AI?## Titles:

  • George Stratton
  • Computer-mediated reality
  • All Reality: Virtual, Augmented, Mixed (X), Mediated (X,Y), and Multimediated Reality
  • Time and Space Perception on Media Platforms
  • How to Use LLM When You Want to Expand Your Thinking and Suitable Interfaces for It
  • Bad Habit of Relying on ChatGPT When You Shouldn’t

Number of Updated Pages: 6