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Keicho seems to have a great compatibility. Thinking about TOK with Keicho image

  • Simplify the questions


  • When distinguishing between accepted and disputed, the problem arises of determining which range of people should be included as judges, making it difficult.

    • If we limit the range of judges to believers, even conspiracy theories can be accepted as knowledge.
  • What does “clear line” mean?

    • It refers to defining the range of people who accept or dispute.
    • If something strange is said, the clear line itself can be accepted or disputed.
      • The clear line itself can be considered as knowledge that can be accepted or disputed.
      • It becomes an infinite loop.
  • What is “direct experience”?

    • The problem is that experience tends to provide more information than just knowledge and can be influenced by emotions, making it problematic.

“There is nothing more deceptive than an obvious fact” (Arthur Conan Doyle). Discuss this claim with reference to two areas of knowledge.

  • “Deceptive” assumes that there is a correct answer.

  • What does “obvious” mean?

    • There are various types of obviousness, such as obviousness based on authority or faith, obviousness based on sense perception or experience, and obviousness based on logic.
  • What is a “systematic process”?

    • Is it something with a defined order?
    • Examples include trials and animal training.
  • What does “all” mean?

  • What is “provisional”?

    • Knowledge about the past or the future is provisional.
    • Assumptions that are unstable are provisional.
      • In science, it is assumed that there are universal and immutable laws in terms of time and space.
  • What determines the criterion for “enough”?

    • In statistical knowledge production, a line like 98% is set as the criterion for “enough.”
  • Can we criticize the statement “rarely completely certain” in the first half? It seems to have an underlying assumption.

    • Well, it’s fine.
    • In mathematics, we can say “always certain” if we define it that way. Anything can be certain.
    • Mathematical predictions are not certain, but whether we can consider predictions as knowledge is a point of argument.
      • Or maybe it’s not even about “knowledge.”