• Brainstorming for Good Hack NYC (blu3mo)

  • Focusing on the theme of the hackathon, Public Goods

    • Knowledge as a pure public good
      • Accessibility is important
      • Even if knowledge exists in places like libraries, it is effectively excludable if people cannot access it
    • Evaluating being referenced is seen in the context of public goods
      • Examples
        • Search Engine (PageRank)
        • Number of citations in academic papers
          • It seems to be continued in DeSci
        • Funding distribution in the supply chain of OSS
      • Assuming the existence of services like External Brain/PKM (such as Scrapbox), could similar things be done with “human knowledge”?
        • A world where people openly share what they have learned/are learning through PKM services like Scrapbox
        • If you study by referencing publicly available resources, money flows there
        • For example, if you study Phonetics using blog articles, PDFs released by universities, and Wikipedia, money flows there
        • If there is a Scrapbox page written using a PDF released by a university and a third party learns something from it, money flows to both the university and the Scrapbox page author
        • This becomes an incentive to share knowledge
          • This seems interesting (blu3mo)
        • Could this be a solution to the problem of libraries and Wikipedia lacking funds?
        • There is the issue of how to handle low-quality articles
          • Thinking cryptographically, maybe require staking at the time of publication? (tkgshn)
            • “Testing confidence”
        • It would also be interesting to consider incorporating the training of natural language models into this system
    • Expanding the concept of public goods to consider the allocation of resources (such as energy, time, and sleep) between “current self” and “future self”
      • Knowledge is probably non-rivalrous, but time, energy, sleep, etc. are rivalrous
      • Is there something that can appropriately incentivize the balance of supply and demand?
      • Maybe pseudo-exchangeability of resources with others?
        • By making resources exchangeable with others, one would feel the exchange value of their own resources and take better care of them (?)

@kaitou_ryaku: I think the concept of marriage should be divided into the following two:

  1. An institution that publicly recognizes loving pairs. The partner can be of the opposite sex, same sex, animals, or even objects. The advantage is that the partner cannot be taken away by others. There are no tax benefits.
  2. An institution that supports child-rearing. Redistribution of taxes to parents with children. The current institution of marriage confuses these two.
  • I think this is the perspective (blu3mo)