• https://www.startupcolumbia.org/

    • It seems that if you meet various people and win awards, a lot of money will come down.
    • It also seems like a good place to find interesting people (blu3mo).
  • Undergraduate Challenge Sponsored by Columbia College

    • Deadline is February 21.
    • First Place: 10,000; Third Place: $5,000

    • Wow (blu3mo).
    • Judges are looking at a number of factors including clear evidence of the founder’s significant understanding of their customer gleaned through the hard work involved in customer discovery interviews and filling out a Business Model Canvas.

      • Is it like a business model game?
  • Mill Chan Technology Challenge Sponsored by Columbia Engineering

    • First Place: 15,000; Third Place: $10,000

    • I wonder if this place is crowded with serious deeptech startups.
  • StartupColumbia Challenge Sponsored by Columbia Entrepreneurship, Innovation, and Design

    • What’s the difference between this one and the first one?
  • Brown Institute Innovation Challenge in Journalism, Media, and Technology

  • I have a desire to submit ParallelTalk (blu3mo) (blu3mo).