• There are cases where the sunk cost of “not wanting to change the way you’ve become proficient in once you’ve started” gets in the way.

  • There are cases where the pleasure of being rewarded for your efforts by setting goals in smaller increments makes you not want to let go of that pleasure.

  • There are cases where you forget the original goal while treating the means to achieve the goal as a temporary goal.

  • Countermeasures:

    • Keep questioning the essential purpose.
    • Talk to others and listen to their opinions.
  • https://twitter.com/fromdusktildawn/status/1330305965246312451

    • In English, mathematics, and programming, the learning efficiency is highest when the “means become the end,” causing a reversal of priorities.

    • Originally, English, mathematics, and programming are only means for work and life, but when they become interesting in themselves and love sprouts, the learning efficiency reaches its peak.

  • https://twitter.com/drinami/status/1330652241871601666

    • I think engineering research is about advancing with both means and goals. > RT

  • Baku 🌾麦(@_baku89)

  • @mogamogamachine I think culture flourishes from the point where means become self-purposes. Well, “food” is very conscious of that…

  • https://twitter.com/_baku89/status/1462230183713202176

    • I thought so too (blu3mo)