
  • Alliances

    • Bulgaria
  • Colonialism

    • Difference from Imperialism: Colonialism refers specifically to the process of invading other countries, while Imperialism is a broader ideology of building empires.

    • Spain / Portugal -> Britain / France

    • Germany was late to the game

    • Moroccan Crisis - Germany tries to gain control of Morocco from France

      • Germany attempted to damage the Anglo-French relationship, but failed
    • France allies with Britain and Russia for protection

      • Strengthened the Anglo-French alliance
      • Led to the formation of the Triple Entente
    • image

      • Germany thought they could easily break the relationship between Britain and France, but in reality, it was impossible.
  • Militarism

    • Dreadnought
    • 2:1
    • UK Double Power Policy
  • Situation in the Balkans

    • Pan-Slavism
    • Austria-Hungary invading Bosnia-Herzegovina
    • Balkan League
    • 1st and 2nd Balkan Wars
    • Germany’s blank cheque to Austria-Hungary
  • Assassination

    • Franz Ferdinand
      • Not popular among the Austro-Hungarian people
      • Conservative, Catholic
    • Supported by the Black Hand, a Bosnian organization
    • Very amateurish
    • Killed the wrong man
      • Ferdinand had positive intentions towards the Serbs (planned to establish a union between Austria-Hungary and Serbia)
    • Austria wanted a war regardless
      • 15-minute funeral
      • Unpopular archduke
      • Not really seeking revenge, but simply wanting a war?

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