• Last-minute preparation for IB Exam
    • I feel pretty confident about P1.
      • To avoid common mistakes, it would be helpful to solve some of the hardest P1 questions the day before or something.
    • I want to practice P2 more.
      • For now, I want to solve a lot of P2 problems in the areas I’m weak in.
      • Even if I’ve solved a problem before, I can quickly skim through past papers for P2 and pick out the ones that seem difficult.
      • It seems like a time-saving strategy to practice coming up with a plan and checking if it’s correct.
        • In the last few days, it might be a good idea to practice calculations as well.


  • Note for studying for the G12IBMock on 20210602

    • I didn’t study properly for the G12 Midterm.
      • So, it’s better to assume that my understanding of the new topics covered during that time (Energy levels ~ Thin film) is low.
  • Areas where I feel weak or have a lack of understanding

    • Binding Energy
    • Slit Diffraction
    • AHL in general
    • Intensity
    • Gravitation
  • Summer break

    • Solve textbook problems related to AHL and the areas I’m weak in (4 sections)
      • Scope

      • To-do:

        • For each topic, first review the points I’m unsure about in the textbook.
        • Then, solve Exam-Style Questions on Kognity and Cambridge.
        • It might be effective to review P1/Exam Style Q that I’ve solved and reviewed after a few days.
          • It’s important not to forget the mistakes, so it’s like the forgetting curve.
  • Common Mistakes that I don’t want to make in the actual exam (think about countermeasures when enough examples are collected)

    • Mistook the axis of a graph as t when it was actually x.
    • Derived values from a graph that were already provided.
  • When A<B, it is not sufficient to just say “A is larger,” but it should be explicitly stated as “A is larger than B.”

  • When “correct S.F.” is mentioned, there are cases where the significant figures used in the calculation should be used, not just 3.

IB Physics P1