• Things I can do now (in order of importance):

    • Expand EE (possibly referring to an essay or research project)
    • Solve difficult problems in Chem P2
    • Study for Chem P1
    • Solve SAT past papers
    • Improve my writing style by reading
    • Start brainstorming ideas for an essay
    • Use a shift generator (unclear what this refers to)
    • Write about generalization
    • Write a recruitment document
    • Write about the importance of respecting expertise in other fields and staying silent as a result
    • Write about politics
    • Read about the brain and time
    • Go for a walk
    • Watch a movie
    • Use Twitter
    • Get enough sleep
    • Play PokerStars VR
    • Watch new videos on YouTube
    • Watch videos on YouTube that I’ve seen before
  • Do you have any specific reason for consciously watching movies? I’m a little curious. (rickshinmi)

  • I think it’s more enjoyable and meaningful to watch a new 2-hour movie than to mindlessly watch YouTube videos I’ve already seen for 2 hours, so I would prefer to do that if possible. (blu3mo)

    • Oh, I see. That makes sense. (rickshinmi)
  • It might be nice to watch anime that you haven’t seen yet. (takker)

    • Only if you don’t have a habit of mindlessly watching anime.
    • You can see a future where time melts away. (blu3mo)