• Title will be changed once it’s decided.

from Math IA

  • Attraction Phenomenon/Kuramoto Model

    • If we mathematically develop Elastic Synchronization, it could be an interesting topic.
    • Kineto’s elastic synchronization algorithm.
    • I didn’t know about differentiation at that time, so it might deepen if I look at it again.
      • It’s amazing that I made this without knowing the concept of differentiation (takker).
    • It would be interesting to incorporate the feedback thinking of Cybernetics.
    • Distorted time, two-axis time, and the phenomenon of being drawn in.
      • Generalizing for that purpose.
    • https://twitter.com/etiennejcb/status/1393295149493522435?s=20
      • I want to make a cool gif (?).
  • http://idken.net/posts/2017-08-02-kuramoto/

  • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wogfamjA1L0

    • Speed of information transmission and synchronization when it indirectly propagates.

      • When connected in series and when connected in parallel, for example.
    • General solution & simulation

    • For now, I want to build a simulation.

      • I want to use Unity for another project, so I might as well use it to get familiar with it.