• Looks interesting.
  • Application


  • Presence

    • = being “present”?
      • It’s interesting how words that express simultaneity of time are used to describe existence.
      • I wrote something like that.
  • Profile 2023 EN

  • Workshop

  • Brainstorming

    • A game that focuses or distracts people wearing VR HMD/BCi.
    • A system that synchronizes the concentration levels of two people.
    • VR network browser
      • Original concept of the World Wide Web.
  • Impressions 20230116

    • Team formation
      • I didn’t know anything in advance, so I was quite nervous.
      • I knew some people.
    • Development phase
      • It’s too difficult to share what each member wants to create within the team. It’s hard to completely align our motivations on the spot, but it’s important to at least understand each other’s motivations.
      • I understood the significance of the PM’s role.
        • It’s important to have someone who works hard to communicate and share the vision.
      • Because there was an experienced person, I agreed to adopt Unreal Engine, which I had never used before.
        • I thought it would be interesting.
        • However, I couldn’t set up the environment successfully and ended up not being able to commit almost anything.
          • This is very disappointing.
          • I feel incomplete in this aspect.
          • I even wanted to stay up all night to write code, but I couldn’t.
      • However, as a team, I think we created something interesting.
        • In fact, I proposed what I wanted to create and gathered a team, so it feels like having others create what I wanted. lol
        • If you think about it that way, it was a good deal (?)
    • Other
      • It was a great place to find interesting people.
        • It was a good move to actively search for people I was interested in and send them DMs on Discord, etc.
      • Although I didn’t think about it at all, there were quite a few people looking for Internship/Job Opportunities.
        • Looking around, there were people talking to sponsors and mentors.
        • It might be good to aim for that a little more next year (blu3mo)(blu3mo)
    • It was definitely worth participating.
      • I will probably participate again next year.
  • People I met at MIT Reality Hack