• It might be possible to create a system similar to VRGit: A Version Control System for Collaborative Content Creation in Virtual Reality or Spacetime: Enabling Fluid Individual and Collaborative Editing in Virtual Reality.
  • The concept seems to allow for the definition of causality in two-dimensional time, resembling a light cone shape.
  • What is interesting about this concept is that instead of branching timelines like in Git, it allows for designing a world more naturally as events within the same spacetime.
  • However, the determination of the direction of the light cone seems arbitrary.
  • Summary of ChatGPT:
    • The concept revolves around exploring time and space in a shared VR world, where players can manipulate and experience time in a two-dimensional space.
    • The idea introduces the concept of 2D time, where events can move in various directions, creating multiple timelines.
    • The concept of a light cone is borrowed from relativity to illustrate how events propagate through the 2D time plane.
    • Players can move in the 2D time plane, exploring different events and worlds. Synchronous and asynchronous interactions occur based on the players’ positions in 2D time.
    • Moving along different paths on the time plane allows players to explore different worlds branching from a common starting point.
    • Different player perspectives and experiences result from moving in different directions on the 2D time plane.
    • Delayed interaction and variable time perception are also possible in this concept.
    • The primary research interests include exploring communication mechanisms, world-building, and user experience within this multidimensional time-space.