from Spring Break 2023 Europe Trip Spring 2023

  • Visited the UK, Netherlands, Belgium, Germany, and the Czech Republic

  • Dates: 3/12 - 3/21

  • Overall Impressions

    • Had a blast and felt it was totally worth it
      • Meeting people from different places was inspiring
      • Interactions with university students in the UK, the unexplored Jr. in Germany, shoya140, and unexpectedly running into tkgshn in Amsterdam made me realize the beauty of traveling
    • Noticed how traveling around the world (specifically the US and Europe) has become easier
      • Being able to use my VISA card for most transportation
      • American influence is strong, huh? (tkgshn)(tkgshn)(tkgshn)(tkgshn)
      • In Europe, I feel like I’ve done enough without much research beforehand, and I’m starting to get a bit tired of it
        • The typical European sights like beautiful old towns, castles, and churches have become repetitive
        • Climbing towers for a picturesque view, like in Bruges, Heidelberg, and Prague, felt like doing the same thing multiple times
        • On the flip side, I believe delving deeper into history, culture, and languages beforehand could make the experience much more enriching
          • @univ00009: I have a stance of thoroughly studying the history, culture, and language of a country before traveling to find interesting spots to visit. This is why I tend to postpone exploring regions like the Americas and Africa where written texts are less accessible…

          • Absolutely right (tkgshn)(tkgshn)(tkgshn)(tkgshn)(tkgshn)(tkgshn)
      • Istanbul, a region different from Europe, was a standout experience
        • Although I had many regrets about my behavior when meeting strangers while traveling, it was a valuable experience
        • The city was incredibly enjoyable
        • I want to visit Turkey again and explore other Islamic countries too (blu3mo)(blu3mo)
          • I feel like there might be criticism similar to Orientalism (Said), but I believe experiencing the real world by traveling is better than just admiring from afar
    • Particularly interested in learning more languages
      • I think the experience of learning a language and using it to converse while traveling can be quite moving
    • Starbucks and Burger King are everywhere
    • I feel like my Backpacker Power has increased, and my motivation is high
  • Itinerary

    • 3/12
      • Departed from JFK in the evening
    • 3/13
      • Arrived in London at 9 am✅

        • @blu3mo: London!

        • Immigration was incredibly smooth and comfortable

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      • Planned to leisurely explore London in the morning

        • Got off at Bond St and strolled around while talking to my parents

          • @blu3mo: Bond St area seems fun, so I’ll take a walk

          • @blu3mo: Came to try English Breakfast

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        • Visited famous landmarks like Buckingham Palace

          • @blu3mo: Churchill Museum

          • I loved how they used to gather information from around the world on maps posted on the headquarters’ walls before the era of computers

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          • @blu3mo: Strolling around London- Morning: Meeting Sakuto in Oxford.

    • @blu3mo: Arrived in Oxford~
    • Interested in the exchange student program, so also scouting around.
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    • Got a tour of Oxford and Trinity.
      • Enjoyed it.
      • Found the college system and its architecture interesting.
    • Played poker with people from Oxford at night.
    • Went to a pub.
  • Accommodation ✅

    • Stayed overnight in Oxford.
    • Slept on the floor, but having carpets and sheets was helpful.
      • Had a slightly sore back the next day but manageable.
  • 3/14

    • Morning: Returned to London.
      • Planning to explore alone today.
      • Wondering what to do.
    • Noon
    • Accommodation ✅
      • Who else was in London from the Imperial group?
        • (lnlog) Was it someone from the Imperial group?
        • Will ask (blu3mo).
      • Attended the philosophy class at ICL from 4 pm to 6 pm.
      • Had dinner with people from ICL.
        • Ordered some kind of red sparkling wine but could only drink half of it.
        • Fell asleep right after.
      • Stayed at @Kaede_Sugano’s place, grateful.
        • Really nice room.
  • 3/15

    • Breakfast
      • At the ICL dormitory.
    • Met Sam in Holborn.
      • Sam & Tarek 20230311
      • What did we talk about?
        • Discussed various topics like architecture, EE, and CS, which was interesting.
    • Afternoon: Met (lnlog).
      • Met at 12:15 in front of the UCL gate.
      • British Museum?
        • Unfortunately, it was closed due to a strike.
      • UCL
        • Since UCL and the British Museum are close, we decided to meet at UCL to explore together. British museums and art galleries are all free, so it’s recommended to visit even just one painting you’re interested in (lnlog).
          • Everything is free, amazing (blu3mo).
          • Incredible (tkgshn)(tkgshn)(tkgshn)(tkgshn).
      • Strolling around the city.
    • @blu3mo: London’s Chinatown
      • @blu3mo: London’s Chinatown
        • In London’s Chinatown, the blend of architecture and culture is fascinating.
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      • @blu3mo: London has different sceneries in each area, making it a delightful city for walks.
        • London offers diverse views in different areas, making it a city enjoyable for strolls.
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      • @blu3mo: The first image is from Trafalgar Square, where a strike (or outdoor concert?) was happening.
        • This was very enjoyable.
        • London offers varying and beautiful sceneries in different areas, making it a very pleasant city for walks.
    • Pub
    • Considering staying in England until this day.
    • Planning to head to Bruges on the night of the 15th or the next morning.
      • Wondering if it’s possible to reach there in 2 hours, seems close (blu3mo).
        • Turns out it wasn’t the case with the bus.
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    • Accommodation ✅ Bus
      • Sleeping on the bus.
      • @blu3mo: London to Bruges, Belgium
      • @blu3mo: London to Bruges, Belgium
        • Disembarking the bus in Dover for entry into the EU.
          • Being woken up in Dover was unexpected (blu3mo).
      • @blu3mo:
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  • 3/16

    • Alvin mentioned that Bruges in Belgium is a beautiful city.
      • Such niche places seem more interesting.
      • When mentioning Bruges, those who know about it say it’s great, so I seem to have hit the jackpot (blu3mo).
      • There’s a chocolate museum with an all-you-can-eat option.
        • Didn’t get to visit it but went to two famous shops.
      • Want to take photos of the city.
      • @blu3mo: Arrived in Bruges at 5 AM, so spending time at the station learning Dutch 101 until sunrise.
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      • @blu3mo: 🇧🇪Brugge
      • @blu3mo: 🇧🇪Brugge
        • My photography skills are lagging behind the beauty of the scenery.
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      • @blu3mo: Came across a poem written on a side street.
      • @blu3mo: Came across a poem written on a side street.
        • Realized that it was once a thriving city.
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      • @blu3mo: Feeling a mysterious drop in self-esteem, probably due to fatigue.
      • Leaving Bruges in the evening for Amsterdam.
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        • @blu3mo: Everyone who recently visited Amsterdam has been praising it, so my expectations are high.
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    • Accommodation ✅ Hostel
      • Applying for Couchsurfing but probably won’t work out.- image
    • Stayed here
    • It wasn’t bad (blu3mo)
      • However, various expenses like laundry and drinks added up, and I felt like I spent around 15 euros in total
    • @blu3mo: First time staying at a hostel, it was very comfortable

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  • 3/17

    • Sightseeing in Amsterdam
      • Received tickets for the Vermeer Exhibition 2023 at the Amsterdam National Museum of Art from (lnlog), grateful (blu3mo)(blu3mo)(blu3mo)
      • Want to go together? I haven’t done any sightseeing, so if you’re okay with it!
        • 👍(blu3mo)
        • done(tkgshn)
      • @blu3mo: Tasting unlimited cheese at the cheese shop

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      • @blu3mo: Was having thoughts like “What is enjoyable/interesting about spending time with my friends”

      • It’s important to verbalize positive emotions like joy, fun, and excitement with each other as a very honest solution (so I will do it myself)

      • @blu3mo: Amsterdam felt like sprinkling Shinjuku on DisneySea

      • Not sure if I want to live there, but today was really fun

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      • @blu3mo: There are so many bicycles crossing pedestrians that if I lived here for a month, I feel like I would get run over by a bike

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      • @blu3mo: Was having thoughts like “What is enjoyable/interesting about spending time with my friends”

      • It’s important to verbalize positive emotions like joy, fun, and excitement with each other as a very honest solution (so I will do it myself)

        • Discussion on Decreased Self-Esteem Feeling 20230316
        • Verbalize what was enjoyable and moving about the time spent together

          • Reuniting in a different place is moving
          • Walking, experiencing various views and aspects of the city in the morning and evening was fulfilling
          • The straightforward resolution to the issue of self-esteem feeling made a lot of sense and resonated well, thank you.
          • Observing tkgshn’s behavior, we’ve discussed it a few times, and the resolution is getting clearer and more interesting. When each decision is detailed, there is rationality, and I thought that exploring and executing this is strength (it was quite moving to hear that if a house isn’t found in the US, the person might return, which is actually a reasonable decision)
          • The kebab was delicious
          • Running to catch the train last minute was apologetic, but it added to the travel-like experience and was fun
          • In general, had a very fulfilling time in Amsterdam
    • Plans for the night?
    • Amsterdam -> Frankfurt is about 5 hours
      • Travel there and find a place to sleep?
    • Accommodation ✅: Bus
      • Even if staying through Couchsurfing, there probably won’t be much time to talk to the host
      • Should we go for a Youth Hostel in Frankfurt?
        • Can cancel last minute, so plans can be changed
      • Night bus option is also available
        • It’s quite far, so this might be a good choice- image
    • 3/18
      • I want to take a little walk around Frankfurt in the morning
        • It seems like the location of the Youth Hostel is good too
      • Mr. Ishimaru
        • It would be really helpful if you could move to Heidelberg. If you’re going to visit old castles, Heidelberg Castle is recommended. If you’re interested in communication and typography, Gutenberg Museum in Mainz is also nearby, so it would be good to visit together.

          • Sounds great (blu3mo)(blu3mo)(blu3mo)
        • How about sightseeing around Heidelberg to Mainz on the 18th, then taking a night train or bus from Frankfurt at night to arrive in Prague the next morning?

          • Sounds good (blu3mo)
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        • It was really good
          • @blu3mo: Heidelberg, beautiful

          • It’s interesting how the atmosphere and food culture gradually change as you head southeast

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          • @blu3mo: Visited the Gutenberg Museum in Mannheim, the history of printing and communication is very interesting

          • I thought it would be fun for people who like typesetting and fonts

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          • @blu3mo: St. Stephen’s Church in Mainz,

          • It was a wonderful space, including a sense that cannot be conveyed in images

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          • @blu3mo: Traveling around countries and cities, meeting people in various places, it’s emotional and fun

          • Lots of traveling and two consecutive nights on a bus, but I think my body can handle it

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        • The concept of Old Town is interesting
          • Churches and such are about a 10-15 minute walk from each station
      • Accommodation ✅
        • Sleeping on the bus
        • Is it tough to sleep on the bus for two consecutive days..?
          • Well, I probably can manage
          • If not, then so be it
    • 3/19
      • Arrive in Prague, sightseeing in Prague

        • @blu3mo: Safely arrived in Prague, it was the longest overland journey of my life

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        • @blu3mo: Reluctantly holed up in a Starbucks in Prague working on a physics assignment, but the deadline was extended, the last


        • I want to go here
        • @blu3mo: Communist Museum in Prague,

        • It was a good exhibition that conveys the tumultuous history of this land

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      • Accommodation ✅ Hostel

        • Applying for Couchsurfing
        • The experience can be quite different depending on whether the address is near Old Town, so it’s good to be mindful of that (rickshinmi)
          • I see, thanks (blu3mo)- Is it something that cannot be understood before applying?
    • Since there are no hits at all, should I look for a hostel?
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      • In case Couchsurfing works out, cancel this.
    • @blu3mo: Stayed with a graduate student in Prague through Couchsurfing, it was a very enjoyable experience.

    • Was heavily introduced to metal music, surprisingly not bad.

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  • 3/20

    • Morning sightseeing in Prague
      • 9 am~ St. Vitus Cathedral

        • @blu3mo: Breakfast at Prague Castle, the best.

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      • Fly to Istanbul at 3:25

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    • Arrive in Istanbul by transit in the evening
    • Accommodation ✅
      • Hostel or Couchsurfing for the night
      • Probably a hostel to avoid any trouble right before leaving
        • Got it for $14, too cheap
        • Hoping it doesn’t collapse in an earthquake
          • wwww(tkgshn)(tkgshn)(tkgshn)
    • Encountering an unknown Istanbul. The very local Kumkapi area is super fun! | Ça voir! -sabowāru-
      • This area, right? (blu3mo)
    • @blu3mo: In Istanbul, English doesn’t seem to be understood well even at the airport, not good.

    • Riding a bus as told to head to the hostel, but don’t know the destination

      • @blu3mo: Hoping not to be taken to the outskirts of Turkey.

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      • @blu3mo: Seems like I can safely reach the city center,

      • It was good to rely on people’s information rather than Google Maps.

      • There was a sense of extreme traveling (blu3mo)

    • While walking the streets of Istanbul, I was approached by a mysterious restaurant owner and had various conversations, treated to tea, sweets, and soup, very nice person, it was touching

    • @(blu3mo) March 20, 2023

      • He seemed like a really nice person.
        • Seems to be traveling all around the world.
          • Heard about sightseeing in Japan, interesting.
        • At least it seems true that he’s a significant restaurant owner
          • He was properly closing the shop and dishes kept coming out under his instructions
          • Checking his Instagram, there are posts related to restaurants for a long time, so it seems genuine
        • He mentioned having a brother who is a lawyer in NYC and seems to visit often
          • He said let’s meet when he goes to NYC in about two weeks
      • However, I want to consider the possibility of fraud
        • If that’s the case, what could happen from here?
          • He suggested meeting again for lunch tomorrow
            • Could this lead to a high-end carpet scam from here?
          • Hmm, if being a restaurant owner is true, it seems like there would be significant social repercussions for committing a crime from here
            • If something happens, bad reviews or reporting can be done normally
    • @blu3mo: Record of mysterious experiences in Istanbul

    • While walking the streets at night, a self-proclaimed restaurant owner approached me- The owner of the restaurant treated me to chai, sweets, soup, and bread. He seemed to be traveling around the world and we had various conversations.

  • He suggested meeting again tomorrow.

  • (Continued)

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  • On 3/21, sightseeing in Istanbul?

  • Conclusion: They were just really nice people (blu3mo)(blu3mo)(blu3mo)

  • Nevertheless, I realize I was crossing some pretty dangerous bridges.

  • Headed from Istanbul to NYC on the night of 3/21.

  • Safe Flight! (tkgshn)(tkgshn)(tkgshn)

  • Safely arrived in NY.

Below are notes from planning:

  • Things to consider

    • Telecommunication carriers
      • What about Google Fi? (tkgshn)
      • Looks good (blu3mo)
        • Need to sign up while in the US, right? (tkgshn)(tkgshn)(tkgshn)
      • Update: Ended up getting an eSIM that works across all of Europe. Probably cheaper this way (blu3mo)
    • Insurance
  • Things to do

    • Want to interact with people (blu3mo)(blu3mo)
      • Maybe there are people with similar motivations at youth hostels.- I often stay in dormitories, but this might not be the best idea. (tkgshn)
  • It’s probably better not to have high expectations.

  • Based on what (rickshinmi) said, it seems like a good experience can be had if you choose the right place. (blu3mo)

  • Are there any local bars with interesting people? (I don’t know)

  • After reading articles like univ00009, I thought that serendipity is really nice. (blu3mo)

  • Transportation

    • Eurail seems good
      • The route is undecided
      • Planning to travel using Eurail
      • Visiting 3 countries in 4 days might be short
        • It might be possible to rush through, but it might be more enjoyable to shorten the travel distance a bit, don’t you think…? (blu3mo)
        • Well, I think it’s fine, maybe traveling at night would be better.
      • Alternatively, it might be cheaper to buy individual tickets
      • Let’s estimate the cost for individual tickets
        • London -> Bruges✅
          • Around $30
        • Bruges -> Amsterdam
          • Around $20
        • Amsterdam -> Heidelberg ✅
          • Around $40
        • Frankfurt -> Prague✅
          • Around $30
        • Total around $120
        • This is much cheaper than Eurail. (blu3mo)
    • Air travel
      • Purchase tickets from StudentUniverse
      • Outbound flight
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      • Return flight
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        • Might as well do some sightseeing in Instanbul during the layover. (blu3mo)
          • Isn’t the earthquake situation bad? (tkgshn)
          • I think most of it has collapsed, I mean, even that castle from 2200 years ago collapsed, right?
            • Istanbul seems okay. (blu3mo)
    • Accommodation
  • Places to visit

    • London
    • Belgium
      • Bruges
        • Seems very beautiful
        • Street photography seems fun
        • Beer is famous?
          • Drinking from age 16, want to try
    • Netherlands
    • Germany
      • There’s Mr. Ishimaru (blu3mo)
      • Can I contact people from HPI (Hasso Plattner Institute)?
        • Wasn’t Thjis there originally?- After studying history, I feel like exploring the remnants of World War II and the Cold War.
    • I would like to search for traces of East Germany.
  • I am quite interested because there is an unpredictability in the experience.

  • I am curious about the Castle Road.

  • Travelogue and blog by pacorin about traveling from the cathedral to the town where Einstein was born in Ulm, Germany

    • This seems interesting too.
  • Bauhaus Museum and Archive are located in Weimar and Berlin.

  • Cologne

  • Netherlands

  • Czech Republic

  • Istanbul

  • Interesting conversations from others that could be useful

    • @takahiroanno: Good places

    • ・Medieval underground city (Edinburgh)

    • ・Sniper battle in the city on New Year’s Eve (Berlin)

    • ・Bandesine shop in Little Akihabara (Paris)

    • ・Serious haunted house (Prague)

      • What’s that? (blu3mo)
    • ・Spy Activity Museum (Berlin)

    • ・Stasi Museum (East Berlin)

      • Secret police?
    • ・Video Game Museum (Berlin)

    • ・Abnormal surfer on the river (Munich)

    • @takahiroanno: The forced labor facilities in Berlin during WWII and the trench museum in Berlin were also very good. Seeing the reflection on the Nazis from Germany in general, I started to become interested in fascist states. The caption mentioned that the massacre was “Industrial,” which made me realize how serious it was.

    • @takahiroanno: At the trench museum in Berlin, there was a discussion about whether the Western countries should have attacked Auschwitz during WWII and whether it was even feasible. It was very interesting.

  • Transportation

    • Eurail?
    • Flix Bus
      • Seems to be inexpensive.

Below are notes for consideration.

  • Places I want to visit:
    • United Kingdom
      • London
        • I want to visit the British Museum.
        • I’m curious about the atmosphere of the city.
          • (lnlog) Each district has a different atmosphere, so it might be fun to walk around! Areas like City/Westminster/Bloomsbury have a completely different vibe, so walking is highly recommended. :)
            • Looks really nice (blu3mo)
      • Oxford/Cambridge
        • There is a Cambridge hack happening.
      • I remember only being able to stay for about half a day last time.
      • If I try hard, I might be able to visit the lab of the people from UCL’s UIST.
        • Was it De Carlo?
    • Paris?
      • There’s nothing specific I want to see here.
        • Even if I go to see the Arc de Triomphe and the Eiffel Tower, it feels like it would be the same old experience of “Oh, there’s the Arc de Triomphe, there’s the Eiffel Tower.”
        • It might be fun to go to the city without any plans, but Paris may not be necessary.
      • I might want to visit the Louvre and Orsay again.
    • Germany to Eastern Europe
      • I know someone named Ishimaru (blu3mo).
        • In Kaiserslautern, Germany.
      • After studying history, I feel like exploring various traces of WWII to the Cold War.- The unpredictability of the experience makes it quite interesting.
  • It’s important to keep an eye on the situation of the Ukrainian crisis to ensure not getting stranded.
  • Is it quite expensive to travel from the UK to Eastern Europe?
  • Traveling by train from Hamburg to Berlin to Dresden to Prague【Germany/Czech Republic】
    • This one (blu3mo)(blu3mo)
  • Interested in the Castle Road.
  • Switzerland
    • Quite fascinated by the scenery.
  • Italy and Vatican City
  • Wondering if there’s a way to get travel expenses from somewhere.
      • Oh (blu3mo)(blu3mo)(blu3mo)
      • The schedule is perfect.
      • Will travel expenses be covered..?
        • For 2019, it seems challenging.
          • We will try to make reimbursements as fair as possible. After all applications have been reviewed, all invited applicants will receive more details about reimbursement. However, if you’re traveling from outside the EU, it is unlikely we’ll be able to make a significant contribution to your travel costs.

  • It seems like my mother also had a similar trip a long time ago.
  • Mother’s past travels