From /villagepump/フラクタル要約:2024/5/2 from FractalReader’s Operation Diary 2024/5/2

  • Data
    • image
      • Currently receiving around 25 requests per day
    • image
      • Also provided the usage trends by time
        • The extreme peak at 10 a.m. is due to someone inserting a large portion of Chapter 10 of Plurality’s book (/villagepump/blu3mo). Considered as an outlier and can be ignored.
        • Becomes significantly active around 9 a.m.
        • Extremely low activity at 6 p.m.
      • Due to high noise levels, not very reliable as a reference (/villagepump/blu3mo)
    • image
      • As expected, as the percentage of regular users increases, the number of desktop users also increases (/villagepump/blu3mo)

How to enhance the value of a product by providing it to what kind of customers in what way

  • Continuation of 6632bb7771b3c200008804cc
  • Brainstorming with (/villagepump/claude)
    • Extracting from /villagepump/Ideas for Using Fractal Summaries by Claude
    • Extracting structures that provide value differently from just “users being happy to quickly read existing documents deeply”
      • 4. Summarizing educational materials in educational institutions

        • Summarizing textbooks and reference materials to support student understanding
        • Allows quick review of important points, enabling effective learning
        • It is cost-effective for educators to summarize and distribute (/villagepump/blu3mo)
        1. Speech summarization service for politicians
        • Summarizing politicians’ speeches for voters
        • Voters can quickly grasp politicians’ statements, enhancing political participation awareness
        • Summarizing also highlights inconsistencies in politicians’ statements, contributing to election transparency
        • Ensuring political transparency by providing Fractal summaries of parliamentary responses, etc. (/villagepump/blu3mo)
        • The same could be said for court records
        1. Real-time summarization of audio content
        • Summarizing podcasts and lecture audio in real-time
        • Audience can confirm the content in text on the spot, deepening understanding
        • Promotes active Q&A sessions based on summaries. Enables interactive experiences
        • Real-time generation of Fractal summaries of meetings, lectures, etc., could be useful (blu3mo)(blu3mo)(blu3mo)
          • Makes it easier to refer back to statements and understand the context
          • Allows quick understanding for latecomers
          • Provides value to all participants
        • The usefulness of transcription Fractal summaries is quite evident
        • Although real-time transcription is convenient, it can be lengthy and difficult to read due to colloquial language
    • Extracting other interesting ideas
      • Summary database of academic research papers in academic research institutions

      • Summarizing a vast number of papers and organizing them by field

      • Researchers can quickly grasp the latest developments in their field

      • Facilitates incorporating knowledge from different fields, promoting interdisciplinary research

        • Summarizing research papers is interesting, but the idea of organizing it into a database to support understanding of trends in the entire field is intriguing (/villagepump/blu3mo)
      • Summary of legal precedents in law firms

      • Summarizing a large number of precedents and organizing them into a database

      • Lawyers can quickly search for similar cases, improving work efficiency- Someone from a patent office showed interest, although it’s a bit different. (/villagepump/blu3mo)

    1. Providing multi-layered summaries of novels, movies, and dramas
    • Providing multi-layered summaries of novels, movies, and dramas
    • Viewers can choose highlights to watch after grasping the overall story
    • Summaries allow understanding of themes and characters’ emotions, deepening comprehension of the work
    • Reminded me of FastMovies
    • Might be useful for novel/movie analysis (/villagepump/blu3mo)
    1. Summarizing dialogues with AI assistants
    • Summarizing real-time dialogues between users and AI assistants
    • Visualizing the flow and key points of the conversation for smoother communication
    • New topics and questions can arise from the summaries, enabling more creative dialogues
    • Can we create a RAG mechanism with fractal summarization? (/villagepump/blu3mo)
    • Someone might have already done it
      • [/nishio/RAG From Scratch: Multi-Representation Indexing#66061b54aff09e00001bab76]( From Scratch: Multi-Representation Indexing#66061b54aff09e00001bab76)(/villagepump/nishio)
        • This makes summaries searchable
      • [/nishio/MemoChat: Tuning LLMs to Use Memos for Consistent Long-Range Open-Domain Conversation]( Tuning LLMs to Use Memos for Consistent Long-Range Open-Domain Conversation)
        • Divides conversations with chatbots by topic, saves them with summaries for chatbots to recall
      • Appreciation (/villagepump/blu3mo)
    1. Multi-layered presentation of cooking recipes
    • Presenting cooking recipes in fractal summaries
    • Cooks can grasp the whole recipe and check detailed steps
    • Tips and variations for cooking can be seen from the summaries, improving cooking skills
    • This could be handy
      • Recipes where detailed information can be referenced as needed
    1. Multi-faceted reflection on personal history
    • Reflecting on life events with fractal summaries
    • Milestones and turning points in life emerge, revealing one’s own story
    • Lessons from life and future possibilities visible in summaries can help take a new step
    • Automatically recording daily events and generating fractal summaries of life events sounds intriguing
    • It would be amazing if this could be created
  • Public opinion analysis service for policy makers

    • Analyzing opinions on social media with fractal summaries
    • Policy makers who read the summaries can quickly grasp public consciousness and make accurate policy decisions
    • Even citizens who do not read the summaries can indirectly benefit from policies that meet their needs
    • Sounds like BroadListening (/villagepump/blu3mo)
    1. Facilitating knowledge sharing in educational settings
    • Teachers sharing lesson content in fractal summaries for other teachers to use
    • Teachers who read the summaries can learn effective teaching methods, improving the quality of education
    • Even students who do not read the summaries can benefit from improved education quality in a better learning environment
    • Hadn’t thought about the perspective of “teachers understanding other teachers’ lectures”

While heading towards a clearly visible personal subscription model, always exploring the possibility of pivoting to other paths.

  • Thinking that real-time transcription idea might be quite good (/villagepump/blu3mo)

What should be done now? Listing and organizing candidates

  • Things to do before accelerating in English-speaking regions
    • Establishing privacy policies
      • Study what needs to be done and what could go wrong- Implementation of login/purchase feature
    • It’s kind of a hassle, right?
    • The software is becoming more complex without increasing its value, so I’m not feeling motivated to do it. (/villagepump/blu3mo)
  • Implementation of Llama
    • This seems like it could use OpenAI credits, should we put it off?
    • No, verifying if this is feasible is crucial for the business.
  • Placement of a share button
    • This can be done quickly.
  • Improvements to the LP
    • This doesn’t seem like a must, but it looks fun, so there’s motivation.
  • Other things to do later
    • Chrome extension
    • URL loading
      • I occasionally see people entering the wrong URL.
    • PDF loading