• Lecture on Database by the master of information science
  • Questions
    • How to represent real-world data on a computer?
    • What constitutes an appropriate design among multiple designs for the same model?
  • ER Model (entity relationship)
    • Represents a data model using entities and relationships between entities
  • Relational Database
    • Tables.
    • Benefits: easy to read
    • Normalization: decomposing tables to eliminate redundancy
      • Proper decomposition of tables without loss of information
      • First to fifth normal forms exist
        • Categorizing based on introduced dependencies
      • Benefits: reduces the need for updating data in multiple places, leads to accuracy and speed
      • Drawbacks: can be difficult (costly) when multiple tables need to be joined for data retrieval
    • Main proposition of query processing: how to execute join operations efficiently
    • Main proposition of schema design: minimize the total cost of updates and retrievals
      • Basic trade-off relationship
      • Normalization = reduces update cost and increases retrieval cost
  • NoSQL
    • It was a separate lecture in the book “Master of Information Science”, so it is explained in the linked source.