from University of Tokyo 1S1 Mathematical Sciences Foundation: Linear Algebra Linear transformations on a plane

  • Since I didn’t take notes on my laptop at that time, I will only write down the key points and my thoughts as a review.
  • Linear combinations of plane vectors:
    • For vectors ,
      • Adding them together with weights is called a linear combination.
      • It’s like adding them with weighted coefficients.
  • Linear transformations on a plane:
    • Define the operation of matrix multiplication with vectors.
      • image
      • This definition is designed to make matrix multiplication and linear transformations on a plane equivalent.
        • I see, it seems like it’s designed as a practical tool. (blu3mo)
          • Well, it can also be seen as a generalization of linear transformations on a plane and multiplication in ℝ^1. (blu3mo)
            • That’s more interesting. (blu3mo)
      • In other words, a 2x2 matrix corresponds to a linear transformation in a one-to-one manner.
        • So it means it’s a bijection.
        • The matrix corresponding to a linear transformation is called a representation matrix.
      • In this case, the vector at the origin remains the same even after the linear transformation.
        • It’s obvious from the equation.
      • Terminology:
        • Identity matrix :
          • Equivalent to the number 1 in real numbers, as it doesn’t change anything when multiplied.
        • Zero matrix :
          • Equivalent to the number 0 in real numbers, as it becomes 0 when multiplied by any value.
      • What can be done:
      • With this, we can say that linear transformations have linearity.
      • Furthermore, matrix multiplication is also defined.
        • This is done in a way that the linear transformations A(BV) and B(AV) are the same.
          • We want linearity in composite transformations.
        • Define the rules accordingly.
      • Impressions:
        • The notation for mappings is really about typing.
          • It’s like writing , similar to func f(_: R^2) -> R^2.
      • So linear and affine are equivalent. (blu3mo)
        • Well, that makes sense.