Have you seen this area? @Common Test Ethics Notes

  • Lecture 1: Greek Thought - Natural Philosophers and Sophists

  • Lecture 2: Socrates

  • Lecture 3: Plato

  • Lecture 4: Aristotle

  • Lecture 5: Hellenistic Thought I might not have seen this, but I studied it in a book.

  • Lecture 6: Monotheistic Religions - Judaism

  • Lecture 7: Jesus

  • Lecture 8: Christianity

  • Lecture 9: Islam I looked at this before the practice test.

  • Lecture 10: Indian Thought - Before Buddhism (Upanishadic Philosophy)

  • Lecture 11: Buddhism (Buddha)

  • Lecture 12: Development of Buddhism

  • Lecture 13: Chinese Thought - Confucius

  • Lecture 14: Development of Confucianism

  • Lecture 15: Taoism and Other Thoughts

  • Lecture 1: Ancient Japan - Kojiki (Ancient Japanese Thought) From here, starting from the night of 1/8

  • Lecture 2: Introduction of Buddhism to Japan - Prince Shotoku

  • Lecture 3: Buddhism in the Heian period - Saicho and Kukai

  • Lecture 4: Kamakura New Buddhism - Honen, Shinran, and Nichiren

  • Lecture 5: Confucian Thought in the Edo Period - Zhu Xi and Yamaga Soko

  • Lecture 6: Ancient Learning vs National Learning - Ancient Learning and National Learning

  • Lecture 7: Popular Thought in the Edo Period - Ishida Baigan

  • Lecture 8: Thoughts of the Late Edo Period - Yoshida Shoin

  • Lecture 9: Thoughts in the Meiji Era - Freedom and People’s Rights Movement

  • Lecture 10: Meiji Christianity / Nationalism

  • Lecture 11: Socialism and the Establishment of Modern Self

  • Lecture 12: Taisho Democracy

Lecture 13: Modern Japan - Nishida Kitaro Lecture 1: Renaissance - Machiavelli and Erasmus Lecture 2: Reformation - Calvin, Luther, and Pascal Lecture 3: Scientific Revolution - Galileo and Newton Lecture 4: Empiricism - Locke, Bacon, and Hume Lecture 5: Rationalism - Descartes and Spinoza Lecture 6: Social Contract Theory 1 - Hobbes and Locke Lecture 7: Social Contract Theory 2 - Rousseau and Montesquieu Lecture 8: Kant Lecture 9: Hegel Lecture 10: Utilitarianism - Adam Smith and Bentham Lecture 11: Positivism and Pragmatism Lecture 12: Socialism - Saint-Simon and Marx Lecture 13: Development of Socialism - Lenin and Mao Zedong Lecture 14: Existentialism 1 - Kierkegaard Lecture 15: Existentialism 2 - Jaspers and Nietzsche Lecture 16: Existentialism 3 - Heidegger and Sartre Lecture 17: Phenomenology and Structuralism - Merleau-Ponty Lecture 18: Analytic Philosophy - Wittgenstein Lecture 19: Other Thoughts - Arendt and Levinas Lecture 20: Contemporary Humanism