The term in the form of is referred to as the Exponential Form or sometimes called the Complex Exponential Form.

  • It seems that it is not covered in Japanese high school mathematics?
    • When asked Japanese students, they said they didn’t know about it.
    • They don’t even learn Euler’s Formula… (mysterious) (takker)
      • I see. (blu3mo)
      • Instead, they try to express it using de Moivre’s Theorem.
        • Well, I didn’t want to go through all that trouble, so I wrote everything in form. (takker)
        • It might get complicated when teaching using Failure of Exponential and Logarithmic Laws. (blu3mo)
        • Ah! That makes sense! (takker)
          • By showing it in the form of , it may appear as if the logarithm can be applied to it.
          • So they are hiding it for that reason?