• GKA is willing to support you as you enter the next phase of your life, so the school will allow you to continue using the Google for Education interface for another 12 months.

    • There is a grace period until 2023/3.
    • There is not much time left.
  • 20230411

    • In the end, we extended the deadline until 3 days before.
      • Shall we do it?
    • As for organization,
      • Personal-related items will be in the personal drive.
      • Columbia-related items will be in the Columbia drive.
        • Such as assignments.
      • Is it okay to divide them like that?
      • That makes sense, right? (laughs)
    • Current situation:
      • We should have merged the split folders.
        • It’s mentioned in Export the contents of Google Drive and import them into another Google Drive.
        • Currently, there is a combinedZip2 folder with a size of 71.92 GB.
          • Should we start from scratch and verify if it reaches the same size?
            • If it’s the same or larger, it’s okay.
          • No, there are already Projects in the personal drive.
            • If a quick check shows it’s okay, then that’s fine.
    • Considerations for what to do:
      • Transfer the contents of Wikidrive.
      • Transfer all the junk from the personal drive.
    • Done ✅
      • We moved all the relevant files to /GKASwift and shared them with the members.
      • Most of them should be in /Projects/z_PastProjects.
      • Anything unrelated to projects is in /Documents.
        • We also moved the files from Wikidrive there.
      • We want to Preserve as much information as possible about memories.
  • 20221123

    • Let’s do it.
    • https://www.cuit.columbia.edu/email/lionmail/drive#!#text-10428
      • Space is not unlimited. Quotas will be enacted and enforced. You may be charged for over usage.

      • What’s up with that?

      • Since Google Classroom is gone, I don’t have much motivation to use Columbia GSuite.

      • I’m thinking of transferring everything to my personal drive.

        • But 100GB doesn’t seem to be enough.
        • 1,360 yen per month adds up.
        • What about Columbia GSuite?
      • Google One vs Google Workspace

  • 20211120

    • Currently, I have everything in the school’s GSuite Google Drive.
      • Because it has unlimited storage.
    • Since I’m graduating, I need to transfer it.
    • I think using my personal Google Drive is fine, but it’s a hassle to transfer.
    • What’s troublesome?
      • I’m not sure if I can easily transfer files that I don’t own.
      • It seems difficult to move Docs, Slides, and other files.
    • If worst comes to worst, as long as the data remains in an office format, it’s okay.
      • Various files related to overseas university entrance exams.
      • So, I’ll do the transfer after January.
      • Finished, let’s do it! ✅
    • Transfer destination:
      • I think my personal GDrive is fine.
      • Or if there are interesting alternative options, I’d like to try them.
      • Oh, but when I enter university, there might be a GSuite for that university.
        • But in any case, the unlimited Drive of GSuite is gone, so it’s better to keep personal files in a personal drive.
  • Complicated points.

  • Methods:

    • Since GSuite is a closed space, file ownership transfer is not possible.
      • Sorry, cannot transfer ownership to . Ownership can only be transferred to another user in the same organization as the current owner.

      • Annoying.
      • It’s like Google Takeout, where teachers can’t do anything.
    • Plan 1:
    • Export the contents of Google Drive and import them into another Google Drive
    • Plan 2:
      • Through Google Workspace
      • According to this, it seems possible:
        • tooyotta(@tooyotta)
        • To migrate files from G Suite’s Google Drive to a general account’s Drive, you can do it through a shared drive.

        • If you don’t have permission to create a shared drive, you can subscribe to a migration account through Workspace and temporarily move the files to a shared drive created with that account, and then move them to your personal account.

          • Oh?
          • Shared drive ≠ Shared folder, right?
      • But it costs money and seems troublesome.
        • Honestly, I think exporting is good enough.