Things to Note:

  • In places where BackPropagation is not needed (such as when using test data or in practical applications), it should be done within torch.no_grad().

    • Also be cautious when using a Pretrained Model, set the parts that you don’t want to modify to false.
  • If you are using Dropout, turn it off for test data or in practical applications using model.eval().

    • When training, revert back to the original state using model.train().
    • Alternatively, you can use “when” to make it easier.


  • A few things to check if your network isn’t training appropriately
    • Make sure you’re clearing the gradients in the training loop with optimizer.zero_grad(). If you’re doing a validation loop, be sure to set the network to evaluation mode with model.eval(), then back to training mode with model.train().
  • Well, it’s the same as what was mentioned above.