

  • I want to go (blu3mo)

    • I went
    • Unlike the local bookstores and libraries, there are no suspicious books or dodgy books
    • Each shelf has a large number of interesting books, and almost all of the bookshelves are fascinating
      • It’s not spacious, but it’s a very dense bookstore. You can spend several hours looking at each shelf.
      • There are so many interesting books that I can’t decide which ones to choose.
    • Today, I randomly chose three books with a specific theme.
    • I want to buy and read books to my heart’s content at Gap Term.
      • If it were closer to my neighborhood, I would go regularly.
      • Around Tokyo (preferably around Omiya)
    • This is the kind of book selection I expected from Ota Library.
  • Books I bought on 20210816

    • Take the Helm of Writing Style

    • Field Linguists, Amazing.

    • Shoot in Three Lines

    • There were too many interesting books, so I chose three books related to writing.

      • Books that seem helpful for writing essays in the future.
    • I thought about buying more sophisticated books to show off, but I decided not to.

    • There were many books that caught my interest, although I wouldn’t have bought them if they hadn’t been recommended by someone I know or if I hadn’t seen them on Amazon.

      • After visiting Keibunsha, the unread list in My Bookshelf looks boring.
      • Gap Term reading should be like this, not just clearing the unread list in My Bookshelf.