Creating a clean page based on the miscellaneous notes written in GKADC.


  • To create an environment where GKA students can deepen their interest in technology.
    • By operating the committee, provide opportunities, information, and a community for deepening interests.


A community like CodeForJapan x CoderDojo

@ School

  • Improve our daily lives with the power of technology, similar to CodeForJapan.
  • Create a community of people interested in creating things with technology, similar to CoderDojo.

1. Improve our daily lives with the power of technology, similar to CodeForJapan.

  • Members will engage in creating things using technology (in a broad sense).

    • Decide what to create, think about how to create it, and implement it.
  • Basically, we will focus on developing LINE Bots.

    • What is a LINE Bot?
    • Phase 1: Teach the methods and surrounding technologies of LINE Bot development in some form (lecture?) and learn by creating.
      • Teach concepts such as servers, clients, and APIs (under consideration).
    • Phase 2: After learning how to create LINE Bots, work on individual development.
      • Support brainstorming and development methods
        • (This is technically possible, this API can be used, etc.)
      • The scale of what you create cannot be determined until you actually do it.
    • Phase 3: Once completed, actually deploy and use it within the school.
    • The reason for using Node.js for LINE Bot development:
      • Bot development is easier than developing an app, as it uses something familiar to many people, chat. It also involves handling APIs and can be implemented in the same language as web applications. Ultimately, it needs to be operated on some kind of server, so it contains the basics of programming. (source)

  • If members have specific things they want to create or technologies they want to use, prioritize those.

    • Anything is fine, such as iOS app development, Unity game development, machine learning, hardware, etc.
    • If it’s within my range of support, I can assist as a mentor in CoderDojo.
      • If I can’t support it, I might learn together.
      • Alternatively, I can help find good tutorials.
    • If there are people who want to do competitive programming, that’s also fine, I think.

2. Create a community of people interested in creating things with technology, similar to CoderDojo.

  • Create an environment where created things can be shared.
    • If there is a place where things created in groups like LINE/Slack can be shown to others, creating things will become more interesting.
    • Even during the learning process of LINE Bot, I want to create a place where you can share things like “I customized it a bit and made this.”
  • Create a place where information is shared.
    • Society is kind to students who are programming, but they cannot enjoy the benefits if they don’t know about them.
    • I want to create a place where students can learn about programs like “未踏Jr” / “Information Science Experts” / “SecHack365” and get information about great deals like the Github Student Pack.


  • Absolutely necessary items
    • None in particular.
    • Since we shouldn’t be doing heavy processing like video editing, I think it’s fine for students to bring their own PCs.
      • (If we really need to do heavy processing like machine learning, the school’s budget PCs won’t be enough.)
  • Items that may be necessary
    • API usage fees (depending on what we create, it may cost a few thousand yen)
    • Usage fees for infrastructure services like Heroku or AWS
    • I think we can manage these within the free limits (we can use the free limits of Github Edu.)
  • Items we would like to buy if we have extra money.- Various technical books from different fields (approximately ¥2000 per book)