• People who read Confucian Thought in the Edo Period and felt that something was different.

    • They wondered if the teachings of Zhu Xi had lost their focus on love and human nature.
  • Kokugaku (National Learning)

    • Yamaga Soko and others who wanted to reexamine the teachings of the past in their original form.
    • Ito Jinsai
      • Kogigaku (Ancient Meaning Learning): A focus on studying and interpreting the Analects and Mencius.
    • Ogyu Sorai
      • Kobun Jigaku (Ancient Text and Rhetoric Learning): Reading original texts in their original language.
      • Designing accuracy that is appropriate for the times.
  • Kokugaku (National Learning)

    • Studying the ancient Japanese way of thinking.
    • Kamo no Mabuchi
      • Studying the Manyoshu and discovering the masculine spirit called Masurao-buri.
    • Motoori Norinaga
      • Conducting various studies and emphasizing the feminine spirit (Taoyame-buri).
      • Later, focusing on the idea of reclaiming Japan’s unique spirit.
    • Hirata Atsutane
      • Fukko Shinto: Trying to remove Buddhism and Confucianism from Shinto.
        • A strong ideology of submitting to the emperor as a god.