Mathematical Girl

  • When something is found that cannot be explained by the traditional definition, it becomes a new concept or discovery.
    • Examples:
    • In the definition of natural numbers (Peano Axioms), it cannot explain something that becomes 0 when one is added to it.
      • Therefore, negative numbers were introduced.
    • In the definition of rational numbers, it cannot explain something that becomes 2 when squared.
      • Therefore, √2 was introduced.
    • In the definition of real numbers, it cannot explain something that becomes -1 when squared.
      • Therefore, i was introduced.
    • In the definition of finite sets, it cannot explain the bijection with Infinity (the expression feels wrong, will be corrected later).
      • Therefore, infinite sets were introduced.
    • The names “negative,” “irrational,” and “imaginary numbers” reflect the struggle faced when encountering something that cannot be explained by the traditional definition (it seems).
      • (/icons/understood) (takker)
      • This struggle was resolved by the concept of “complex numbers,” which emerged as a result of understanding the “two-dimensional numbers.”
  • This is part of the The Function of Generalization in Mathematics essay, specifically the section on Semantic Interpretation.

To be covered in the TOK essay.