
  • I will link this page to my collection of knowledge on work management.

The following are miscellaneous notes:

  • Improvement Cycle of Work Management

  • How to Balance the Sense of Agency in Time Management and Prevent Time Dissolution

  • Time Management: Divide One Hour into Fixed Tasks and Have Freedom for the Rest

  • In normal situations, the hybrid approach described below seems to be the best option.

  • However, in situations where progress needs to be made no matter what and there is no room for distractions, perhaps Google Calendar Full Registration Todo Management would be more suitable.

  • It is important to consider the task situation and type when choosing a management method.

  • Types of situations:

    • When there is an important presentation coming up and it is not yet finished, it is crucial to focus on that.
      • In this case, it is important not to escape from the task at hand, or if you do, to escape in a meaningful direction.
    • When there are various deadlines to meet but no task requires 100% focus.
  • Types of tasks:

    • Whether they are important or not (whether quality is a priority)
    • Whether they are spontaneous or how much I want to do them even if left unattended
      • It is important to reduce excessive spontaneity and increase low spontaneity.
  • Todo deadline management seems suitable for Todoist.

  • Managing when to do tasks seems suitable for Sprint.

  • Managing spontaneity:

    • Methods to increase low spontaneity:
      • Register in Google Calendar.
      • Use Pomodoro technique.
      • Listen to music for focus.
      • Eliminate noise.
    • Methods to reduce high spontaneity:
      • Use Pomodoro technique.
    • Self-awareness of the level of spontaneity in tasks is key.
  • It may be worth trying different methods for a while, as new methods tend to work well initially.

  • Evaluation criteria:

    • Whether important tasks can be outputted with the highest possible quality.
    • Whether the second domain is not being neglected.