• Theory of Relativity

  • To summarize briefly,

    • Laws of physics are “frame invariant”
      • This can be explained by assuming that the speed of light is constant.
    • Ah, indeed, this is the theory of relativity. I understand the name now. (blu3mo)(blu3mo)
  • Galilean Transformation

    • It’s about considering a new frame of reference.
      • Constant Galilean velocity.
    • This is a straightforward calculation in vector algebra.
  • However, this actually breaks down.

    • image
  • From another perspective, the Laws of Electromagnetism

    • Maxwell Equations
      • The terms in the equations involve the speed of light, c.
    • This contradicts the principle of “laws don’t change when the frame is changed” in Newtonian physics (Galilean Relativity).
      • I see! I understand now.
    • To resolve this, Lorentz Transformation and others were developed.
      • However, the reasons and theoretical background for this were not understood.
  • => Einstein: Galilean Relativity holds even with Maxwell Equations.

    • i.e. the “law of constant speed of light.”
    • He demonstrated the reason for this.
  • Transformation of Frames

    • As a premise, it is necessary to have Linear Transformation.

      • It means that once you change and then revert, you return to the same frame.
    • Let’s consider what can be derived under the conditions .

      • What was the reason for setting up this equation?
        • Why was it possible to exclude the possibility of dependence on ?
      • From the condition of Galilean Transformation , these can be derived.
      • From the observational fact that remains invariant after transformation, these can be derived.
      • As a result, B, C, and D can be expressed in terms of A.
      • Then, let’s consider Condition 4: .
        • This is a condition that it would be strange if it didn’t return to the original after transformation and inverse transformation.
      • Finally, the Lorentz Transformation can be obtained.
      • B: Boost
        • It represents a change in frame.
      • image y=1/sqrt(1-x^2)
        • Ah, it makes sense that it asymptotes to 1 for both x=1 and y=1.
    • 8430 mistake

    • image

    • is invariant

      • This result is actually important.
      • image
        • Here, is τ the length dimension?
          • As an image, τ = the distance between oneself and the light moving away from oneself
            • If x at a certain t in a frame, then x’ at a different t’ in another frame.
    • image

    • From this, it is necessary to understand that the magnitude of the velocity of any particle must always be less than the speed of light.

    • Hmm, I still don’t quite understand the feeling of the graph.

10.4 Transformation of velocities

  • I’m not sure about this part, so I’ll review it. (blu3mo)(blu3mo)
    • Why does β’x become 1 when βx = 1? (blu3mo)(blu3mo)
      • It’s obvious when you look at it, but it’s important to derive it.
    • What about when βB → 1?
      • If βx was not originally 1, it approaches -1.
      • If βx was originally 1, does it become 0?
    • Or rather, can boost exceed 1?
      • Considering γB, if it goes beyond the range of (-1,1), the denominator becomes imaginary.
        • I see! I understand now. (blu3mo)
  • Important: there is no prohibition in SR against relative velocities having magnitudes greater than unity.

    • However, the maximum is 2c, right?
  • In the case of perpendicular velocities,- The LT of Δy does not cause any change.
    • Since there is no change in the y-direction of the frame, γ=1.
  • The LT of Δt changes due to the boost in the x-direction.
  • After rearranging the equations, it takes the form of “まあせやな” (a local expression).

10.5.1 Observations, measurements, “clocks and rulers”

  • How to make measurements:
    • When moving between frames, both t and x change.
    • Event -> (t, x, y, z)
      • When capturing an event, all four parameters are necessary to avoid ambiguity.
    • For example, when considering a time interval, x also needs to be taken into account.
      • Vice versa.
    • The concept of local position/local time:
      • While the occurrence of an event can be agreed upon between frames, the location and time cannot be agreed upon.
    • It is important to understand that the differences in time and length scales between inertial frames do not result from changes in dimensionful scales associated with fundamental interactions.

      • ?(blu3mo)
      • Physical values such as the vibration frequency of a crystal are measured in that specific frame.
      • Therefore, they are frame-dependent and change when the frame is changed. Is it to caution against the misconception that “it’s just a change in the unit of measurement on the observer’s side”?
    • image

      • Timelike and spacelike:
        • ❓What do these terms mean?
  • Time dilation:
    • ❓In the rest frame of the particle => Δx = 0, is it a frame where the particle appears to be stationary?
  • Lorentz Contraction:
    • ❓(No further information provided)

10.5.5 Simultaneity and lack thereof

  • The paradox of a barn fitting into a pole depending on the frame.

    • The pole is Lorentz-contracted.
  • The important point here is that simultaneity changes depending on the frame.

    • ❓I don’t understand it at all, so let’s move on when I understand it.
  • Causality:

    • Objects that do not have the same t and x in one frame do not influence each other.
      • = Information is not transmitted faster than the speed of light?
    • This contradicts gravitational force and other phenomena.
    • image
      • ❓I don’t understand the meaning of this.
      • image
        • When there are two 4-vector positions, if the difference in their Lorentz-invariant length is less than or equal to 0.
        • I still don’t understand it, I want to confirm.

Reexamining the LT

  • image

10.7.3 Particle rapidity

  • Is rapidity (y) additive in a normal sense?

    • When there are two transformations, the result of performing both of them and the result of adding their rapidities are the same.
    • That’s interesting. (blu3mo)
  • image

    • These resemble the Lorentz transformations of time and space.
      • ❓I want to understand it. (blu3mo)
  • It would be nice if t and x could be treated as quantities of the same dimension.

    • ❓Why would that be nice? (blu3mo)

  • HW1
    • image
    • Why…?
      • At t=0, there is no boost or anything, so why is it determined?
        • Boost is not about the movement of the object, but about the movement of the frame (i.e., a problem of reference frames), so it doesn’t matter.