20230423 Trying out GTD

  • If I were to do it long-term, I would create a fixed page, but for now, I’ll try it on this page.

Step 1: Write down all the tasks in my head, regardless of granularity.

  • Inbox:
    • Watch Hiroshima Mon Amour
    • AoE Hand Tracking
    • AoE PyGame Debugging
    • AoE CECS
    • Physical Message
    • ParallelTalk Development
    • UIST Poster
    • Wikichase
    • Receive Package
    • Change Clothes
    • Consider Basi’s Future 202304
    • SoundQuest
    • FMRG SingleSite ~202310 May 1st Countermeasure
    • Exam Preparation
    • Make Exam Plan
    • Apply for Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry Internship
      • Maybe I can do this after the results of the security camp come out.
    • Consider doing Tudle
    • Reply to Shreeya’s Email
    • Study for Physics Exam
    • Study for AP Exam
    • Next Physics pset
    • Take a Shower
    • Do Laundry
    • Clean
    • Read Buddhist book
    • Read Social Systems book
    • Read Phenomenology book
    • Read Antifragile book
    • Read Reality+
    • Make Prisoner Training a habit
    • Prepare for 2023 Summer Vietnam Trip
    • Read Fundamentals of Information Science book
    • Operating Twitter in English-speaking Countries
    • Contact people in NY
    • AP HW
    • Make running a habit
    • Dive into Scrapbox

Step 2: Categorize tasks into “do” or “don’t do” groups.

  • Do someday:

    • Wikichase
    • Change Clothes
    • Watch a movie
    • SoundQuest
    • Apply for Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry Internship
      • Maybe I can do this after the results of the security camp come out.
    • Read Social Systems book
  • Do soon:

  • Waiting:

    • Receive Package
    • Do Laundry
  • Thoughts on Step 2:

    • It seems better to write tasks as states/actions like “this will become like this” or “I will do this” instead of just “this”.
      • Otherwise, it’s difficult to determine whether to do it or not.
      • Maybe it’s better to make changes while organizing.
    • Is there a need to distinguish between “need to do soon” and “want to do soon”?

Step 3: Breakdown