New Academic Field Research “Chronogenesis: The Mechanism of Creating Time in the Mind” Wow~ (blu3mo)

  • Before that, there is the field of study called “Temporal Psychology”.

A01: Time Generation through Language B01: Neural Basis of the Flow of Time C01: Brain Mechanisms of Mental Time Associated with Perception and Action, and their Manipulation

  • In this research group, we specifically investigate the brain mechanisms of time information involved in the online control of perception and action, focusing on cyclic phenomena and learning mechanisms. Specifically, we explore the brain mechanisms of time information processing from two perspectives: ① rhythm perception and synchronized movement, and ② timing and time generation. We also aim to develop methods for manipulating these mechanisms and to understand the pathophysiology of neurological disorders.

    • Oh, that’s interesting (blu3mo)

D01: Individual and Phylogenetic Development of Time Acquisition E01: Time Processing and the Generation and Disruption of its Emotional Value