• (I’m not sure if this is a word that exists, but it’s used in a different sense than “reinventing the wheel”)
    • Reinventing the wheel: Coming up with a new wheel without knowing that wheels already exist.
    • Reimplementation of the wheel: In the process of building a car, making the wheels yourself instead of buying pre-made ones.
  • It feels unnecessarily complicated, I might change the title.
  • I feel like Myself is avoiding this too much, which is not good.
    • (Still a vague thought)
  • For example, I don’t think I could have created AxStudio.
    • I wouldn’t go as far as implementing a Figma-like software and renderer from scratch if I had the idea of creating a no-code iOS app development tool that only requires UI design.
      • I would try to go in the direction of importing Figma or Illustrator files and if it seemed impossible, I would give up.
    • (This is an extreme example influenced by the super implementation skills of obuchi_yuki).
  • I feel like improving implementation skills includes the ability to reimplement the wheel without complaining.
  • In the first place, the implementation itself is fun when it comes to Reimplementation of the Wheel.
    • Like OS自作入門 (Introduction to creating your own OS), where the purpose is to learn through reimplementation.
    • What I mentioned earlier is the struggle of maintaining motivation for Reimplementation of the Wheel as a means to an end.
      • For example, if I want to create a groundbreaking social networking service, I might lose motivation for the task of building the basic mechanisms of a social network.
        • People who enjoy creating mock-ups might be really happy with this type of work.
        • I completely understand. I’m interested in the standardization of complex development processes (momeemt).
          • You’re absolutely right. When the purpose is to reimplement the wheel, it’s motivating, so creating libraries/frameworks as a way to divert is quite effective.
      • In such cases, intentionally instrumentalizing the means might be effective.
  • Since this is a different topic from reinventing the wheel, the novelty of what we create is not the focus here.
  • The way this term is divided is refreshing (takker).
    • In the context of learning, some people use the term “reinventing the wheel” positively, but according to this definition, it can be called “reimplementation of the wheel.”
  • /nishio/車輪の再発明
    • It’s mentioned there.
      • A: Inventing the same solution without knowing the existing solution.

      • B: Implementing without knowing that there is an existing implementation available.

      • C: Implementing intentionally knowing that there is an existing implementation available.

      • C1: Intended for acquiring knowledge or enjoyment.

      • C2: Intended for improving existing implementations due to dissatisfaction.

    • 60d136e779e113000093cbd3 seems to be C1, and 60d136e779e113000093cbd5 seems to be C2.
    • There are various pros and cons written about reimplementation of the wheel.