from University of Tokyo 1S1 Mathematical Sciences Foundation: Linear Algebra Mapping

  • What is a mapping?
  • Generalization of functions
    • Seems interesting (blu3mo)
    • It’s like making the domain more general (blu3mo)
    • Honestly, it’s not wrong to say that a mapping is a function with the domain and range restricted to numbers (takker)
      • That’s the extent of it
  • For example, is a mapping from to
  • Definition
    • Given sets X and Y,
    • A mapping from X to Y is
      • A rule that assigns a unique element of Y to each element x of X
        • The “unique” part is important (blu3mo)
          • We learned this as the definition of a function in IB (blu3mo)
        • If it’s not unique, then the notation doesn’t even make sense (takker)
  • Examples
    • If we write as a mapping, it would be written as
      • Write the sets of inputs and outputs, then define the \mapsto
    • Even things that don’t look like traditional functions are mappings
      • Addition is also a mapping
        • This can be written as a mapping from ℝ^2 (2-dimensional) to ℝ (1-dimensional)
      • I see, this is similar to how addition and other operations can be treated as functions in Haskell and other languages that use infix notation (blu3mo)
        • I thought so too, but it’s actually different. The symbol for addition is not defined separately. It’s just wrapping it in a function. Well, addition is a mapping from to ℝ (takker)
      • I wrote about variations in notation like this in the chat (takker)
        • I’ll link it later
    • The identity mapping is a mapping where the inputs and outputs are the same
      • If we write the definition, it would be
        • The set and the elements are the same
          • If the sets were different, even if the correspondences of the elements were the same, it wouldn’t be the identity mapping (blu3mo)
            • It’s important to think about the definition
        • Here, X represents a set, so it should be , not
  • Injection
    • In ,
    • Every x corresponds to a different y
    • This depends on what X is (Y doesn’t matter) (blu3mo)
  • Surjection
    • In ,
    • There exists an x that corresponds to every y
      • This depends on what Y is (X doesn’t matter) (blu3mo)
        • is not surjective
        • is surjective
    • As a premise, there exists a y corresponding to every x, so
      • It means that every x and y are paired
      • (Duplicates are possible, so it’s not a bijection)
  • Bijection
    • Both an injection and a surjection
    • In other words, there is only one y corresponding to each x
  • image
    • All injections are injections
      • Are there no x such that f(x)≦0? (blu3mo)
      • If it’s a bijection, there must be an inverse mapping, so you can judge from there too (takker)
      • f(x) is 0 for x=0,1, so it’s not an injection
  • In visual terms,
    • Injection:
    • Surjection: There is a point on the graph at every height (y)
  • Composition of mappings
    • is basically the same as a function
    • The important thing is that
      • Basically, if the output of f(x) and the input of g don’t match, you can’t compose them
      • We haven’t been conscious of this because it was mostly , but it’s important
      • It’s like static typing in programming (blu3mo)
        • Math = programming (somewhat extreme argument) (takker)
        • This realization is important (takker)
  • Inverse mapping
    • Just like with composition of mappings, it’s important to be aware of whether the types match
    • Definition: If and , then
      • I see~
      • As an example where it doesn’t work if only one of them is true,
        • image
  • Theorem: Inverse mapping exists if it’s a bijection- Can’t we say that if this is surjective, then the inverse mapping exists?
    • No, if it is not injective, then considering the inverse mapping, there won’t be a unique x for y, which violates 624e6a9979e1130000baa336.
  • I feel like I can see the relationship between surjectivity and injectivity (blu3mo).