
  • I enjoy pondering problems and finding technological solutions for them. It is a core motivation for me.
  • I have been involved in community activities both personally and during high school.
  • As I enter Columbia, I am motivated to continue making a difference there as well. I believe it is the perfect place to collaborate.
  • I am excited about collaborating, not just with engineers, but also with professionals in marketing and finance.


  • I have experience in software planning and development, and I have some achievements to showcase.
  • I can code as well, although I can highlight that in a different context.

Why do you want to join Spectator? (300 words or less):

  • Spectator welcomes individuals without prior journalism or business experience but values those who are self-starters, curious, and want to make an impact on their community. I can bring my experience in software planning and development, along with my track record of achievements.

What skills and experiences would you bring to Spectator? (300 words or less):

  • I have experience in software planning and development, and I have some achievements to showcase. However, I can highlight my coding skills elsewhere.

What perspective, experience, or background would you bring to Spectator? How does this influence how you view media? (300 words or less):

  • I have an international background, which I believe can contribute to the diversity of Spectator. This influences how I view media, as I understand the importance of considering different perspectives and experiences.

Please describe a time when something you read, watched, or encountered fundamentally changed your perspective or view on the world. (300 words or less):

  • [Essay 世界の霧案] - I enjoy “de-fogging” the world. “Fog of World” is a GPS game app that visualizes every pixel of a world map I have never explored as a “fog.” This app has been my companion for four years. Whether I am walking around my neighborhood or traveling across the country, I take detours to explore and uncover every unexplored street. It has given me a new perspective on the world and the joy of discovering the unknown.

What do you do for fun? (hobbies, entertainment, interests, etc.):

  • I enjoy playing the game “Fog of World,” which allows me to explore uncharted territories on a world map. It has been my companion for four years, and I take pleasure in uncovering every hidden street, whether it’s in my neighborhood or during my travels.