@blu3mo: I don’t want to be a tourist who only looks at the surface, but no matter where I walk, I feel like I haven’t seen anything in a day. It’s a bit sad feeling (?).

  • After posting this tweet, I was recommended by multiple people.

    • (yunolv3), (tkgshn)
  • Should I read it?

  • Similarity to Fan Fiction

  • Hegel’s paradigm

    • “Humans don’t like humans. Humans don’t want to create a society. However, humans actually create a society. Why?” This was the question asked. In the 19th century, Hegel answered this question by saying, “Humans can overcome their immature selves who didn’t want to create a society by creating a nation and becoming citizens.”

    • From there, Schmidt’s theory of friends and enemies, Kant’s linear theory of world peace, etc.
    • I want to understand Hegel’s view of humanity more.
      • The definition of “humanity” is something I really need right now.
  • Another route beyond that

    • Modern thought stated that humans cannot mature without going through the opposition of friends and enemies. If that’s the case, in order to establish the philosophy of tourists, we need to explore another mechanism of maturity that doesn’t involve going through that opposition. In other words, we need to consider a mechanism that combines universality and particularity without relying on belonging to a nation. Additionally, modern thought considered a linear spiritual history from the family to civil society, then to the nation, and further to a union of nations. If that’s the case, we need to think about the possibility of another political organization that doesn’t go through the nation, in order to make that linear line into a multi-line.

    • 東浩紀. 観光客の哲学 増補版 (ゲンロン叢書) (pp. 115-116). Kindle Edition.

  • What is the current position of postmodernism?

  • Easy to read.

    • I want the skill to write this kind of text.