The document discusses the challenges people face when they miss parts of a meeting due to various reasons like taking a phone call or losing focus. To help participants catch up without disrupting the meeting, an Accelerated Instant Replay (AIR) Conferencing system was developed for videoconferencing. This system allows individuals to privately catch up on an ongoing meeting by replaying the content at an accelerated rate.

The concept of this system is similar to kineto and ParallelTalk, and the philosophy aligns with them as well.

The system replays content at 1.6 times the normal speed, similar to what Elastic Synchronization does. The choice of this speed was made after considering rates like 1.4 and 2.0, which were found to be less effective for user understanding.

Implementing this system in 2011 presented various challenges, such as managing accelerated audio playback to prevent it from catching up to live audio. Traditional streaming audio technologies do not support managing both live and accelerated audio channels simultaneously. To address this, the system stored up to 60 minutes of audio in a circular buffer in memory, allowing users to review playback from any point in the buffer.