from My Name Leet problem with my ID

  • I made the mistake of choosing the ID “blu3mo” when I was young and foolish(?)
    • There were cases where “bluemo” was already taken, but by replacing “e” with “3” it wouldn’t clash
      • It’s called leet
    • I thought it was cool at the time and decided to use it as my Twitter ID
  • Honestly, it’s a bit embarrassing
  • But it’s too much trouble to change it now
    • Scope of impact
      • Twitter ID
      • Scrapbox project name
        • Links that have been shared publicly will no longer work
  • Also, there’s the issue of how to change it
  • The argument for not changing it
    • I’m curious about the impression that the leet spelling of my ID gives
  • /villagepump/2022/02/09#62038c7d8ee92a0000a29bcd
    • It doesn’t seem to be that big of a deal, so I guess “blu3mo” is fine
    • There’s another issue of confusion, but well, it can’t be helped
      • The advantage of having a unique ID across all services seems to outweigh the confusion.