I was looking for a guesthouse to stay at using three apps: Booking.com, Hostelworld, and Hostels.com.

A guesthouse is an accommodation option for travelers where you can stay at a cheaper price compared to hotels, for example. There are various types of rooms available, but for dormitory-style rooms, they usually have 4-6 beds and bunk beds. The showers are shared among guests.

Many guesthouses also have shared kitchens, so you can buy groceries and cook your own meals. Since the rooms are shared, you need to take responsibility for managing your valuables, but there are also many advantages. First and foremost, it’s affordable. Depending on the cost of living in the country you’re staying in, you can spend around 2000 yen per night for just the accommodation.

It’s also enjoyable because you can interact with other travelers. Most people staying at guesthouses are fellow travelers, and they tend to have an open-minded personality. There are people from various countries such as European countries, the United States, Canada, Argentina, and South Korea. Their backgrounds are diverse too, including university students, teachers, and even people working as comedy writers while traveling.

I made friends with people I shared a room with and went to restaurants, bars, and sightseeing together. It’s not common in Japan to suddenly go out with someone you just met, especially if you don’t speak the same language. But strangely, it’s something that can happen when you’re abroad.