
  • Simply creating a virtual timeline would make it just a complex concept.

  • The question of who would benefit from the realization of Virtual Time seems to have an answer of being able to choose the optimal way of time depending on various situations.

    • I want to add more specific examples here.
      • So, in various specific examples, there are two discussions: “What is the optimal way of time?” and “How can we achieve it?”
    • It is not claimed that Pseudo-Synchronization or Elastic Synchronization are always optimal.
  • In addition, how can we enhance the sense of immersion in the virtual timeline?

  • How can we create interaction with other things (body, information, etc.) in the virtual timeline?

  • These are some points, although they are similar.

  • This discussion can be described as The virtual timeline can be described as a discussion of artificial synchrony.

  • I want to explore these aspects in a way similar to Exploring New Models through Implementation.

  • It seems like Vision Thinking is relevant.

  • What about considering the same discussion in the context of Virtual Space?