• I’m going to jot down things that seem useful decades later.
  • I don’t really think this will be useful decades later, but I’m diving into this page to satisfy my record addiction.
    • (When I see something on Twitter and think “This will be useful someday,” I get anxious if I don’t record it.)

Hiroaki Takai (@hiro_takai):

Recently, my daughters have been reading my collection of world history books.

I’m happy.

It’s about a whole bookshelf. I’ve been lying in wait for over ten years. Finally, they’ve fallen into the net.

I can’t force them to read, so I have no choice but to leave the books there.

How to create a “lying in wait” bookshelf to make children book lovers|Hiroaki Takai|note https://t.co/qP9EIwCyL4 https://twitter.com/hiro_takai/status/1448549791768580096?s=21

Netlab (@itm_nlab):

Easy to understand.

In the past: “Cavities are genetic.” Now: “Basically, it’s a lifestyle disease.” A “comparison list” that summarizes the old and new common sense of parenting is informative. https://t.co/AX6lxla8iw https://twitter.com/itm_nlab/status/1456185700651466757?s=21

Mahiro Oka (@sesere115):

I think Japanese parenting is trapped in a mysterious obsession that says, “We have to do something to stop a crying baby” (which makes us tired).

Babies learn and become independent through the cycle of “crying → being left alone → learning,” so it’s actually not good to intervene when they cry. https://twitter.com/sesere115/status/1476161775565705217


My mother said to me, “Don’t you think your free life is over now that you have a child? I thought so.” So I replied, “The moment I thought that, my child became a tool for self-realization, so I’m making sure not to think that.”