• Choose Option 1.

  • Budget

    • It’s barely possible to find a used one for 20,000 to 30,000 yen.
      • But why did I think that?
        • It’s not like I have a monthly spending limit.
        • It’s just that my savings will be depleted.
      • I could technically buy a 100,000 yen chair, but I believe I can’t spend that much.
        • Well, I don’t really want to spend that much on a chair anyway, so it’s fine.
  • Promising options

  • Where to buy

    • Mercari?
    • There’s something called Office Busters.
  • Options

    • I want armrests.
    • High back.
    • I don’t think I need a headrest.
  • I want to choose two or three chairs I like from Mercari/Office Busters and buy them if they are below a certain price.

  • Thoughts from sitting on various chairs at IDC Otsuka Furniture

    • Okamura chairs seem to be a good fit.
      • I couldn’t tell with the weird-backed Baron chair.
      • However, Contessa and Silphy were good, so I assume Baron would be good too.
    • I tried sitting on an Aeron chair, but it didn’t impress me much.
      • I guess I have to adjust it to fit me.
    • With my height, most headrests don’t align properly.
      • If I buy one, it must be adjustable.

  • As of June 2021, I’m using a balans.
    • I like it quite a bit, but not having a backrest is tough.
    • How is it actually? (tkgshn)
      • I’m using an Aeron chair, so I want to know how well it compares to that.
        • I’ve never used an Aeron chair or any similar chair, so I can’t say anything… (blu3mo)
        • Well, I think the Aeron chair is definitely more comfortable.
  • Option 1
    • Buy a typical office/gaming chair.
    • This seems like the better choice.
  • Option 2