• Currently, my school has become optional for attending.
    • If I don’t attend, I will continue with Online Classes as before.
    • If I attend:
      • The teacher is physically present, but we still connect to Zoom (for subjects like math).
        • The teacher uses a tablet as a blackboard, and all the students can see the screen sharing.
        • It’s an environment similar to kineto, which is really helpful.
        • In the math class style, all we need for the lesson is the information on the blackboard and the teacher’s voice.
          • Does it really matter if kineto has a 360-degree camera?
            • It might be difficult because the only factors for adjusting the playback speed are the voice and screen sharing.
            • On the other hand, it might be easier.
        • Is it easier to ask questions in person?
          • There’s no small lag.
          • Even with kineto, there wouldn’t be any lag if it’s an in-person interaction.