• Derived from Round Talk Topics (narrow down)
  • Write the topics to talk about
  • The following discussion is just my personal thoughts for now, and I don’t have the confidence to say that it is absolutely correct. So please just think of it as something someone is saying, like “Oh, there’s someone saying that.”
  • In short, it’s about considering “expertise” when thinking about what to do in extracurricular activities like 課外活動.
    • Expertise can be anything, like Computer Science, medicine, linguistics, music, etc.
    • It’s good to have something that you consider as your unique expertise.
    • I think it’s good to engage in extracurricular activities that have a specific expertise, in addition to the common general directions like leadership, debate, international exchange, etc.
  • Reasons:
    • First of all, why do extracurricular activities?
      • Of course, there are various reasons, but personally, I think there is value in delving into a certain field.
    • Uniqueness
    • Also, when considering exams, (well, there is room for discussion about whether the purpose of extracurricular activities should be for college admissions, etc.), consistency is somewhat required. So, it looks good if various activities are connected in one field or expertise.
  • Well, I’ve been talking about abstract things, but let me give you some concrete examples.
    • I want to talk about my own case.
    • Although I do various things, a clear example is Tobitate “Future Technology Talent Program”.
    • Also, briefly talking about other people’s cases,
      • Those who are interested in medical fields attend conferences.
      • Those interested in design create posters or logos for others, etc.
    • So, one piece of information I want to convey is that there are quite a few opportunities for students.
      • Especially in academic areas, they are looking to gather future people in their field.
      • It’s good to look for programs for high school students that are related to your interests.